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SBV of the Week for Women Who Web Design

This dispatch was added by one of our Nonprofit Neighbors. It does not represent the editorial voice of The Rapidian or Community Media Center.

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The Volunteer Center works to connect volunteers, agencies, companies and organizations in the community. The opportunity featured has been pulled from our Volunteer Solutions website.

Each week the Volunteer Center will highlight an exciting skill-based volunteer (SBV) opportunity found on our Volunteer Solutions website. This week's SBV opportunity comes from R.E.A.A.L.:


Web Master Needed!

Here is your chance to use your tech skills to support a brand new nonprofit in Grand Rapids! R.E.A.A.L. stands for Radiating Excellence in All Areas of Life and was founded in the fall of 2006 by a group of MSU college women determined to create the tools they needed for the future instead of waiting for someone else to create them. R.E.A.A.L. has adopted the motto "Dream. Think. Do." The organization strives to develop members professionally and socially through community engagement and events that are connected to their studies and interests.

REAAL is in search of an individual who can work closely with the President on developing a web presence, They would like a redesign the current website and logo to present an accurate picture of who they are. The volunteer must have experience in web development and graphic design along with a flexible schedule and internet access.

Click on their posting in Volunteer Solutions to apply.

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