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The Salvation Army to Award the Golden Kettle

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The Grand Rapids Salvation Army seeks service clubs to volunteer for bell ringing and compete for the first annual Golden Kettle Award!

/Mika Roinila

Salvation Army to award the Golden Kettle

What's the Golden Kettle? It's an award given to the service club that raises most support for The Salvation Army by volunteering to ring bells during the annual Christmas Campaign that involves red kettles in numerous locations across the city of Grand Rapids, Michigan.

The Grand Rapids Salvation Army will be awarding the Golden Kettle to one service club in the Grand Rapids area that volunteers and raises the most money in Army’s largest fund-raising effort of the year.  All area service clubs are challenged to volunteer their effort in order to benefit the community. The winning group will be awarded the Golden Kettle  - a trophy that will have the name of the service club engraved on the side of the trophy. The travelling award will spend the next year with the winning club, until the 2020 Christmas campaign resumes.

Newly arrived Auxiliary Captain (Dr.) Mika Roinila - who is a kettle coordinator at Fulton Heights Citadel Corps Community Center - completed a successful Red Kettle Campaign in Hannibal, MO in 2018. Weekly updates on the changes in competitive standings were shared in the community as the local Hannibal Courier-Post newspaper provided updates on the competition. And while the Hannibal Lions Club, the Hannibal Rotary Club, and two Kiwanis Clubs competed in Missouri, A/Captain Mika believes that Grand Rapids is primed for similar efforts by many clubs.

“We already have interest by some of the area groups. The Golden K Kiwanis and the Kentwood City Rotary Clubs have booked times at Woodland Mall to ring bells. It’s going to be an interesting contest, and I am encouraged by other groups that have expressed interest in joining the competition” says A/Capt. Mika.

All clubs in the Grand Rapids area are encouraged to enter the competition. Simply sign up on The Red Kettle Campaign concludes on December 24 - Christmas Eve. Everyone is invited to participate, and volunteering can involve individuals and families as well. Why not start a new tradition? It’s a great way to give back to the community! The Salvation Army thanks one and all!

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