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Romanian immigrant's memoir describes totalitarianism through a child's eyes

Submitted 07-10-2012 under NEWS

Immigrant Carmen Bugan describes her life as the child of a Romanian dissident.


Rob Smith, local and international fashion photographer, shares his story and the Flash Mob Foto Shoot

Submitted 07-06-2012 under OPINION

Rob Smith, a Michigan native, shares his journey to success while detailing the experiences and inspirations that have been apart of his development.


West Michigan Indie Podcast Episode #5- Casey Stratton Part 1

Submitted 07-03-2012 under LOCAL LIFE

WMI sat down with Grand Rapids' own pop singer/songwriter Casey Stratton to learn about his new album "The Calling of the Crows."


Darfur refugee remains optimistic, finds new home in Grand Rapids

Submitted 06-15-2012 under NONPROFITS

With World Refugee Day Celebration this Saturday, Bethany Christian Services PARA is sharing stories of families and individuals that are being helped in adjusting to their new lives.


Local contenders share how Miss Michigan is more than a beauty pageant

Submitted 06-14-2012 under LOCAL LIFE

Current Miss Michigan contenders Sarah Suydam and Morgan Lind discuss their involvement with the organization and how it has changed their lives.


World Refugee Day bio: That Wah

Submitted 05-17-2012 under NONPROFITS

In honor of the upcoming World Refugee Day event on June 23rd, Bethany Christian Services refugee resettlement program (PARA) is posting weekly biographies of families and individuals that are being helped in the adjustment to their new lives in Grand Rapids.


Six months of Awesome

Submitted 05-02-2012 under LOCAL LIFE

The Awesome Foundation continues to reach out to Grand Rapids, seeking to add value to the community.


Founders Brewing Company champions the bolder beverage

Submitted 04-27-2012 under INNOVATION-SPOTLIGHT

Founders co-owner Dave Engbers tells the story of Founders growth-and the struggles to keeping going before they discovered the key to their current success


Poet Li-Young Lee speaks at Calvin College

Submitted 04-25-2012 under LOCAL LIFE

On Saturday, April 20, poet Li-Young Lee spoke at Calvin College during the Festival of Faith and Writing.


Poet laureate David Cope initiates first poetry conference in city

Submitted 04-02-2012 under LOCAL LIFE

David Cope, local poet laureate and program director of the inaugural Grand Rapids Poets' Conference, talks to us about the conference-as well as his own influences and inspirations.

