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Introducing the 2019 AIA Grand Rapids Honor Awards Program

Submitted 09-30-2019 under NONPROFITS

Join us as we celebrate the AIA Grand Rapids architects and their firms at our annual Honor Awards Celebration. With our mission of supporting and advancing our profession, this event serves to bring together all who are part of the West Michigan architecture and construction community.


Backyard ministry on Southeast Side becomes nonprofit Community Kids

Submitted 06-13-2019 under NONPROFITS

What started as a backyard basketball Bible club is now a nonprofit that regularly serves 200 kids through adventure trips, mentoring and summer camp.


AIA Grand Rapids Presents: An Evening with Joe Valerio FAIA, Valerio Dewalt Train Associates Keynote Lecture

Submitted 05-10-2019 under NONPROFITS

Please join us for an opportunity to hear from a recognized, national expert in the architectural profession. As a founding principal of VDTA, Joe’s architectural expertise positions him as a leader and innovator in the design world.


Local 10-year-old transforms flowers into meals for families in need

Submitted 03-01-2019 under NONPROFITS

One 10-year-old’s donation shows even the smallest seed of generosity can bloom into something special – like hundreds of meals for hungry neighbors in Feeding America West Michigan’s service area.


Blue Bridge Games brings tabletop gaming to Uptown neighborhood

Submitted 02-12-2019 under LOCAL LIFE

Ken and Margaret Kleist opened Blue Bridge Games in early February. Located on Fulton street in the Uptown neighborhood, the store welcomes players of all ages and skill levels to experience the joy of tabletop gaming.


Happy Cat Cafe encourages visitors to socialize with cats up for adoption

Submitted 12-11-2018 under OPINION

The Happy Cat Cafe is a place where anyone is able to eat with and be around cats. Customers can pet the cats and also have the option of adopting one.


Local photographer showcases architecture of Grand Rapids neighborhoods at UICA

Submitted 11-27-2018 under NEWS

Grand Rapids photographer, Emily Najera, contributed her work with other Michigan artists in an exhibit at the Urban Institute for Contemporary Arts. Showcasing Michigan’s role in the artists inspiration, exploration, and creative development, Emily Najera’s series focuses on local architecture.


Where to get the finest brunch in Grand Rapids

Submitted 11-13-2018 under PLACE-MATTERS

I reviewed five of my favorite brunch spots in Grand Rapids. What's yours?


Profile of drag culture and where it can be found in Grand Rapids area

Submitted 11-07-2018 under LOCAL LIFE

Drag is open to everyone! In fact, that’s one of the cornerstones of drag culture: everyone is accepted.


Wealthy Theatre documentary premiere co-directed and edited by Grand Rapids’ Libi Hake

Submitted 09-07-2018 under LOCAL LIFE

The documentary about Michael K. Paxton, an Appalachian Artist/Cancer Survivor, is produced and edited Ms. Libi Hake, who calls Grand Rapids her hometown.

