Elizabeth Rogers Drouillard
As local refugees work to help their children navigate the school system while navigating a new culture themselves, the West Michigan Education and Cultural Center provides education and liaison services as they build community in West Michigan. More
One of the workshops at the Neighborhood Summit next March will seek community input on housing policies, in an effort to create more choices and less disparity. More
Levi Gardner
Building resiliency in any system takes time, and it comes at a cost that rarely yields rewards in the early stages. For long-term success, issues of social and ecological durability must focus on empowerment and health, not momentary fixes. More
Jack Hoffman
Open carry campaigns came to Grand Rapids recently. We are forgetting that Article 7, Section 29 of the Michigan Constitution guarantees to cities the right of reasonable control of their streets and public places. More
Elizabeth Rogers Drouillard
Local cartoonist and librarian Drew Damron celebrates and pokes fun at Grand Rapids scene in a video game released this past summer to entertain friends and grow local culture. More
Elizabeth Rogers Drouillard
The $175 million dollar bond would renovate amd improve classrooms, buildings, and technology at local schools, says John Helmholdt, Executive Director of Communications & External Affairs at GRPS. More
ACLU of Michigan
[FULL VIDEO OF EVENT] In an effort to better understand and defuse the potential for injustice at the hands of police in Grand Rapids, this panel discussion on October 28 brings together city, federal and community stakeholders to discuss the relationship between the police and the public. More
Sara Melton
The upper west side has only one park and it has not been updated since the mid 1950's. More
Levi Gardner
Levi Gardner of Urban Roots explores different facets in the relationship between urban agriculture and placemaking. More
Tamara Fox
As a facilitator of volunteers and volunteer myself for Kate Gilmore's "Higher Ground," my turns on the swing brought a surprising combination of power dynamics, physical duress, intimacy with strangers, and even monotony. More
Lisa Rose
How can we each do more to intentionally come together and address complex food systems issues? More
Endless Opportunities
As a younger community leader I often find myself around individuals or boards that insist on meeting constantly to discuss the various issues plaguing the Black community, yet too much time continues to pass on without action. More
Lydia VanHoven
The Grand Rapids Feminist Film Fest sets out to change on-screen representation. More
The Rapidian is made possible thanks to generous support from:
The Rapidian is a part of Grand Rapids Community Media Center; Established through grants from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, Grand Rapids Community Foundation and the Slemons Foundation, and supported by this community.
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