Passing the Mic: West Grand Neighborhood Organization answers, "Beyond 2040, where do we see neighborhood associations?"

September 28, 2020 10:00 pm

Annette Vandenberg from West Grand Neighborhood Organization responds to East Hills Council of Neighbors' Maggi Rivera.

The Rapidian's Nonprofits section features stories written directly by local nonprofits about their work. These stories reflect their perspectives, not The Rapidian's editorial voice.

Maggi Rivera, Executive Director at East Hills Council of Neighbors, asks Grand Rapids' neighborhood associations:

  • "Since the city is doing their Master Plan for the next twenty years . . . beyond 2040, where do we see neighborhood associations? What do we see in them?"

Annette Vandenberg, Executive Director at West Grand Neighborhood Organization, responds, and passes a question on to other neighborhood associations in the city:

  • "The one thing that we're working on right now is how we as neighborhood associations can be the bridge to help bring the community together and the police department together. I'd be curious to know what they think would help facilitate that relationship-building?"


Passing the Mic is a project of Community Media Center that promotes online, community-wide discussion of local issues and topics using the spoken word.

Residents are invited to share one to three-minute audio responses to locally-focused questions from fellow neighbors, with questions geared toward all Grand Rapidians or specific communities within the city. Keeping the discussion going, speakers are encouraged to end their responses with their own question related to a local issue or topic – passing along the opportunity to amplify community voices.

Opinions expressed through Passing the Mic are those of the speakers and do not reflect the editorial voice of The Rapidian or CMC. Posted responses are subject to The Rapidian’s Terms of Use, which include adherence to inclusiveness, civility, ethical reporting, proper credit, local emphasis, and open identity (no anonymous posting).