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Passing the Mic: Highland Park Neighborhood Association answers, "What are you most proud about in your neighborhood right now?"

Sam Mosley from Highland Park Neighborhood Association responds to Community Media Center's Brett Townsend.

Brett Townsend, Community Engagement Specialist at Community Media Center, asks Grand Rapids' neighborhood associations:

  • "What are you most proud about in your neighborhood right now?"

Sam Mosley, Board Member at Highland Park Neighborhood Association, responds, and passes a question on to other neighborhood associations in the city:

  • "I would ask of other neighborhood associations how they’re maintaining a sense of connection and community – and making sure that their community members’ voices are heard – during this pandemic? When you’re not able to have as many people at maybe your community meetings or as many in-person conversations."


Passing the Mic is a project of Community Media Center that promotes online, community-wide discussion of local issues and topics using the spoken word.

Residents are invited to share one to three-minute audio responses to locally-focused questions from fellow neighbors, with questions geared toward all Grand Rapidians or specific communities within the city. Keeping the discussion going, speakers are encouraged to end their responses with their own question related to a local issue or topic – passing along the opportunity to amplify community voices.

Opinions expressed through Passing the Mic are those of the speakers and do not reflect the editorial voice of The Rapidian or CMC. Posted responses are subject to The Rapidian’s Terms of Use, which include adherence to inclusiveness, civility, ethical reporting, proper credit, local emphasis, and open identity (no anonymous posting).

Highland Park Neighborhood Association

HPNA serves its community through hosting a variety of neighborhood events, including picnics, neighborhood clean-ups, crime prevention and safety trainings, and its annual "Bus to Beer!" excursions.

Many of HPNA's events take place at its namesake and historic heart, Highland Park, which is a 28-acre urban greenspace located at the southwest corner of the neighborhood. Its neighborhood is borded by Leonard St. to the north, Fuller Ave. to the east, I-196 to the south, and College Ave. to the west.

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