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The Local Feed on World Vegan Month

Submitted 11-04-2013 under OPINION

Vegan Grand Rapids takes over the Local Feed


Make a real difference in politics: Vote in your local elections this Tuesday

Submitted 11-03-2013 under OPINION

Local government is not some nameless bureaucracy. It is filled with people that live in your community and want to hear your feedback.


Masterful American landscapes showcased at Grand Rapids Art Museum

Submitted 11-01-2013 under OPINION

These American masterpiece landscape paintings that are at once heartbreakingly beautiful and at the same time a haunting reminder of how much of our country's natural beauty has been forever lost.


Why parks matter: The current condition of parks and how the millage will help

Submitted 10-10-2013 under OPINION

Since 2002 the Parks and Recreation Department has experienced severe cuts. I talk about how far behind we've gotten and what we can do about it.


Why parks matter: How our parks affect city life

Submitted 10-09-2013 under OPINION

Studies show city parks increase health, social connection, aid the environment and have positive impacts on the local economy. How does that play out in our local parks?


Why parks matter: The history of parks in Grand Rapids

Submitted 10-08-2013 under OPINION

We cannot understand the importance of our parks if we don't understand their history. This article walks us through our city's first park and its humble beginnings to a growth of urban development leading to large city parks and ending with the affects on our green spaces caused by White Flight.


Play at UICA

Submitted 10-07-2013 under OPINION

A review of Del Jackson's work A.I, currently on exhibit at the UICA


ArtPrize art still on display at West Coast Coffee

Submitted 10-05-2013 under OPINION

One of the best little ArtPrize venues in the center of town features art and excellent coffee.


Kehr's "Energy Burst"- Art Prize

Submitted 10-04-2013 under OPINION

Review of Mike and Tracy Kehr’s “Energy Burst” mosaic displayed within the Kendall Lighting Center- Art Prize 2013.


High and low art

Submitted 10-03-2013 under OPINION

Is it useful to think of art in terms of high and low?

