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NW: Local Life


Call for Art: A Show about Breaking and Fixing

Submitted 11-04-2010 under LOCAL LIFE

On Dec. 10 during the Urban Lights event in downtown Grand Rapids on Division Avenue, twelve students from Grand Valley's Art & Design department will be curating and putting together a show titled "Reset." This is from the artists: "'Reset'...

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Foodies rejoice: Restaurant Week comes to Grand Rapids

Submitted 11-01-2010 under LOCAL LIFE

Winter is just around the corner and people who are concerned about putting on a few extra pounds to survive the long, harsh season need not fret. Restaurant Week Grand Rapids 2010 comes to the rescue with 10 days of reasonably priced ($20.10) three...

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Nov. 2 elections see many candidates from Grand Rapids

Submitted 10-29-2010 under LOCAL LIFE

Grand Rapids residents have over ten races to decide in the Tuesday, Nov. 2 general election. Apart from the gubernatorial race, voters will also see candidates vying for Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, Attorney General, U.S. Representative...

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Moral Ground 2010: Resisting the Dominant Culture

Submitted 10-25-2010 under LOCAL LIFE

"Progressive environmentalists are often opposed to resistance or have trouble accepting it. They think it can’t work. But how can you say that the movement for women’s suffrage and civil rights movements weren’t successful?”~ Max Lockwood,...

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Moral Ground: Sustainability and Social Justice

Submitted 10-25-2010 under LOCAL LIFE

“Sustainability begins as a criticism of development."~ Melissa Baker-Boosamra, GVSU Faculty  Melissa Baker-Boosamra has dedicated her career to the study of social and environmental injustice. She is an affiliate faculty member in the...

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Moral Ground 2010: An Interview with GRCC Student Teresa Kokx

Submitted 10-25-2010 under LOCAL LIFE

"A lot of animals in the arctic, like the polar bear, are going extinct or being harmed. Actually, they say in a few decades the polar ice caps will be melted.” ~ Teresa Kokx, GRCC Student    Across the country and particularly in...

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Moral Ground 2010: In the Hands of the People

Submitted 10-23-2010 under LOCAL LIFE

“Has anyone answered ‘no’ to this question? We definitely have a responsibility, but at what cost?” ~ Aaron Bundy, communications sub-contractor   The ever-pondered question of how the people of today impact our planet’s future is once again...

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Moral Ground 2010: A Responsibility to Fido and Fluffy

Submitted 10-23-2010 under LOCAL LIFE

“Unlike humans, animals cannot defend themselves. The animals are not the ones damaging things here, we are. Why punish those who are innocent?” ~ Stacie Kreiser, Pre-Veterinary senior at GVSU  Ghandi once said, “Be the change you want to see...

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Moral Ground 2010: A Seminary Student's Perspective

Submitted 10-22-2010 under LOCAL LIFE

"We should care for [Earth] because God obviously does."  ~ Leslie Montgomery, seminary student at Cornerstone University   Do we have a moral or ethical responsibility to preserve planet earth? Many Christians hold the conservative view...

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Moral Ground 2010: The 20th century as a defining moment

Submitted 10-22-2010 under LOCAL LIFE

“The 20th century undoubtedly will be seen as the defining moment in time when it comes to a pivotal shift in our attitudes regarding our natural world” ~ Nancy Yoder Eigenhouse, lifelong animal lover, environmentalist, retired worker for the State...

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