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In keeping with our current West Michigan Winter focus, tell us which is the most appealing way to spend a winter's day?

This table lists all the recorded votes for this poll. If anonymous users are allowed to vote, they will be identified by the IP address of the computer they used when they voted.
Visitorsort iconVote in front of a fire with a book or old movie in front of a fire with a book or old movie some fine indoor culture (concerts, museums, galleries) the kitchen cooking up a hearty soup to share with friends
byrneskaSnuggled in front of a fire with a book or old movie
dennetmintIn the kitchen cooking up a hearty soup to share with friends
GeorgeEnjoying some fine indoor culture (concerts, museums, galleries)
Grand Rapids Ar...Enjoying some fine indoor culture (concerts, museums, galleries)
LCirivelloSnuggled in front of a fire with a book or old movie
marleeSnuggled in front of a fire with a book or old movie
nkarnesSomething else (please comment).
rcmasonEnjoying some fine indoor culture (concerts, museums, galleries)
rkramer62Grab the boots and go for a hike
ThomasAVSnuggled in front of a fire with a book or old movie
