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Did you know nearly 20% of all Christmas trees in the US are grown in Michigan? What are your festive evergreen plans?

This table lists all the recorded votes for this poll. If anonymous users are allowed to vote, they will be identified by the IP address of the computer they used when they voted.
Visitorsort iconVote don’t do the tree thing (cultural or religious reasons). bring the artificial tree down from the attic. bring the artificial tree down from the attic. bring the artificial tree down from the attic. head to the nearest tree lot. bring the artificial tree down from the attic.
amberstoutWe bring the artificial tree down from the attic.
byrneskaWe bring the artificial tree down from the attic.
clarewadeOff to the tree farm to cut it ourselves.
dennetmintWe don’t do the tree thing (cultural or religious reasons).
GeorgeWe bring the artificial tree down from the attic.
jessatimmerWe bring the artificial tree down from the attic.
LCirivelloWe head to the nearest tree lot.
likesbikesSomething else (please comment).
Lindy.GA “live tree” that we’ll plant after the holidays.
markrumseyWe head to the nearest tree lot.
marleeOff to the tree farm to cut it ourselves.
mdhoytWe don’t do the tree thing (cultural or religious reasons).
mkprinsOff to the tree farm to cut it ourselves.
Roberta F. KingWe bring the artificial tree down from the attic.
