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Catalyst Radio: ArtPrize's Critical Discourse features Chris Smit of DisArt on Saturday

Submitted 10-03-2014 under NEWS

Critical Discourse is featuring notables of the art world, including on Oct. 4 Calvin College Professor Christopher Smit of DisArt, who will be leading a panel discussion on Art, Disability, Images, Bodies.


What's on Tap: October 2-8

Submitted 10-02-2014 under NEWS

More and more brewpubs are releasing fall inspired ales this week. Start off your Saturday by helping to raise money for ArtPrize by drinking at Founder's Beer Garden in Rosa Parks Circle, and end with wood aged beer at Brewery Vivant's annual festival.


Public responds to Design 99 art practice in Detroit neighborhoods

Submitted 10-01-2014 under NEWS

[VIDEO] Right after attending Critical Discourse with Design 99 last night, many of the audience stopped by our response stations to reflect on the choices presented. Each night of Critical Discourse, response stations will be available for the public to share their opinions.


Dinderbeck Studios opens to public

Submitted 09-30-2014 under NEWS

The local print studio is shifting from artist collective to open community studio. Dinderbeck is providing space and resources for area printmakers.


Joan Osborne Acoustic Duo to perform at Wealthy Theatre

Submitted 09-30-2014 under NEWS

Osborne will perform at Wealthy Theatre on Thursday, October 16, 2014. Doors open at 7 p.m., showtime is 8 p.m.


East Hills to host second annual Kids Day

Submitted 09-30-2014 under NEWS

The second annual kids day at Congress Elementary will take place on Saturday, October 11 from 1 to 4 p.m.


Shortlist reveals insight into juror selection process

Submitted 09-30-2014 under NEWS

Last night's event revealed the juror's top 20 category selections, plus their top five venue selections. Jurors revealed not only their selections but their process and what attracted them to the winning works.


ArtPrize 2014: How to register, vote, map routes, all from your phone

Submitted 09-29-2014 under NEWS

A quick guide to using this year's ArtPrize app to register to vote, vote on your favorite entries, and navigate your way around.


"Roundabout2" rare live performance captured on film

Submitted 09-29-2014 under NEWS

Hubert Dobler set his "Roundabout2" ArtPrize entry into motion in a sunken parking lot on Sunday, September 28.


A toast to five years: The Rapidian celebrates its anniversary

Submitted 09-29-2014 under NEWS

On Tuesday, September 23, The Rapidian raised a glass to five, successful years of hyperlocal citizen journalism and community engagement at SiTE:LAB's 2014 ArtPrize venue, The Morton GR.

