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UICA to evoke sensory responses of seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling art with seventh ArtPrize exhibit

Submitted 08-06-2015 under NEWS

The public will have an exclusive opportunity to preview the exhibit on September 12 at OddBall, UICA's ArtPrize celebration and annual fundraiser.


Local residents head to polls to select next mayor

Submitted 08-04-2015 under NEWS

Today is election day. Remember to get out to vote and remember your rights.


Mayoral candidates face off in final debate before Tuesday election

Submitted 08-03-2015 under NEWS

The four mayoral candidates participated in a debate focused primarily on income inequality at Loosemore Auditorium before Tuesday's election.


Candidates answer citizen questions on gentrification, race, police, LGBTQIA

Submitted 08-01-2015 under NEWS

As Tuesday's primary elections near, we gather last answers from our mayoral candidates to citizen questions on social ills and issues.


Prices on locally grown organic food reveal hard truth

Submitted 07-31-2015 under NEWS

Is “organic” just a euphemism for “You’re being gouged?” For organic farmers here in Grand Rapids, the answer is a resounding “No.”


Candidates answer citizen questions on economy, talent retention, Airbnb, transportation

Submitted 07-31-2015 under NEWS

With just four days before local citizens vote for their choice in the next mayor, we have candidates answering questions from local citizens.


Get ready for the FREE GRandJazzFest Aug. 15-16 in downtown Grand Rapids

Submitted 07-29-2015 under NEWS

Festival organizers announce schedule, have more in store for 4th annual GRandJazzFest presented by DTE Energy Foundation


Where are the votes?

Submitted 07-28-2015 under NEWS

With an average voting rate of 47.1 percent and August Primaries nearing, The Rapidian seeks out non-voters to ask, "why don't you vote?"


Mayoral candidates answer citizen questions on their role as mayor, representing young voices, City finances

Submitted 07-28-2015 under NEWS

With just one week left until the Primaries, we’re bringing more questions from our local citizens that were sent to us on July 15 at the Mayoral Debate.


First annual Art Outdoor Project draws attention to Grand Rapids with local art

Submitted 07-28-2015 under NEWS

The Art Outdoor Project, a part of Experience Grand Rapids' Cool City. Hot Art. campaign, is a selection of artwork from five local artists to be displayed on billboards along Michigan highways.

