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City Connection: Larson and Mayor Bliss discuss key Downtown Grand Rapids Inc. topics

Submitted 10-03-2016 under NEWS

Kris Larson, president and CEO of Downtown Grand Rapids Inc., is the guest during this month's episode of City Connection.


Two-day Blue Bridge Music Festival to be a connecting point between visual art and sound

Submitted 09-30-2016 under NEWS

This weekend a range of musical genres can be heard on the Blue Bridge, an ArtPrize Eight venue. Check out music, art entries, two local breweries, a record label and radio station WYCE.


October 11 voter registration deadline approaching

Submitted 09-27-2016 under NEWS

Unregistered voters have until October 11 to fill out application to vote and get registered. Local groups are working to get voters signed up.


Family of artists creates city-wide game of 'I Spy' for ArtPrize Eight

Submitted 09-26-2016 under NEWS

Aaron Zenz and his six kids placed a thousand rocks with hand-painted faces around Grand Rapids for visitors to find while they explore the city, which has transformed into one giant venue for displaying and interacting with art.


Writers Under 30 series opens the floor up to young local artists

Submitted 09-22-2016 under NEWS

A series designed by GLCL and Bombadil Books promotes young writers making connections and sharing their art. The next event is a public reading that will take place on Thursday, September 29 and will feature eight writers under the age of 30.


The Potter's House School making art from the rubbish

Submitted 09-20-2016 under NEWS

Students from The Potter’s House high school use the rubbish from the new building site to create works of art, and anchor their learning about being transformational leaders.


Ride The Rapid to ArtPrize Eight

Submitted 09-20-2016 under NEWS

Travel smarter using alternative transportation options to ensure you get the most out of ArtPrize this year.


The Rapid's education campaign "There's More to the Ride" earns national honor

Submitted 09-19-2016 under NEWS

The American Public Transportation Association recognized The Rapid for excellence in their recent rider story campaign.


Partners for a Racism-Free Community to host historical foundations of racism event

Submitted 09-15-2016 under NEWS

Dr. Vanessa Holden of MSU will talk about early events that shaped the evolution of racism in America. Community members can also take part in PRFC's Race Reads series and #RacisminGR Community Conversations.


Commissioner Kelly to discuss neighborhoods in this month's episode of City Connection

Submitted 09-12-2016 under NEWS

Commissioner Ruth Kelly is the guest on this month's City Connection.

