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Demanding a public apology is the newest form of extortion in our social network-centered world

Submitted 10-24-2017 under OPINION

We are human beings. We make mistakes. Apologies are not always the answer.


Demanding a public apology is the newest form of extortion in our social network-centered world

Submitted 10-24-2017 under OPINION

We are human beings. We make mistakes. Apologies are not always the answer.


Demanding a public apology is the newest form of extortion in our social network-centered world

Submitted 10-24-2017 under OPINION

We are human beings. We make mistakes. Apologies are not always the answer.


Demanding a public apology is the newest form of extortion in our social network-centered world

Submitted 10-24-2017 under OPINION

We are human beings. We make mistakes. Apologies are not always the answer.


Demanding a public apology is the newest form of extortion in our social network-centered world

Submitted 10-24-2017 under OPINION

We are human beings. We make mistakes. Apologies are not always the answer.


Demanding a public apology is the newest form of extortion in our social network-centered world

Submitted 10-24-2017 under OPINION

We are human beings. We make mistakes. Apologies are not always the answer.


Demanding a public apology is the newest form of extortion in our social network-centered world

Submitted 10-24-2017 under OPINION

We are human beings. We make mistakes. Apologies are not always the answer.


Demanding a public apology is the newest form of extortion in our social network-centered world

Submitted 10-24-2017 under OPINION

We are human beings. We make mistakes. Apologies are not always the answer.


Demanding a public apology is the newest form of extortion in our social network-centered world

Submitted 10-24-2017 under OPINION

We are human beings. We make mistakes. Apologies are not always the answer.


Ethics and Religion Talk: Religious transformation

Submitted 10-23-2017 under OPINION

Readers of Ethics and Religion Talk might remember a column from the summer of 2016 in which I wrote about a man who sent me a 64 page essay in the mail, arguing that Jews are the most spiritually disgusting people ever to walk the face of the earth ...

