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Grand Rapid's North East Neighborhood

Grand Rapids, it's time to send the circus packing

Submitted 09-20-2013 under OPINION

Elephants, lions and tigers are calling the Van Andel Arena parking lot home this week. But circuses are wrong, and it's time for the City of Grand Rapids and its leaders to look at model ordinances, and enact a ban on this horrific practice.


In Season: September 21, 2013

Submitted 09-20-2013 under NONPROFITS

Don't forget to stop by Fulton Street and stock the fridge before heading down to Artprize this weekend!


Thomas MacEntee, Genealogy Ninja featured at West Michigan Genealogy Seminar

Submitted 09-18-2013 under NONPROFITS

Each year the Western Michigan Genealogical Society sponsors a seminar in the fall. On October 11 and 12, we welcome from Chicago, Thomas MacEntee, the Genealogy Ninja to the Prince Conference Center.


Join the flash mob of awesomeness

Submitted 09-17-2013 under NEWS

Richard App of Stellafly social media is organizing a city-wide flash mob on the first Friday of Artprize.


Little Prairie in the Big City

Submitted 09-13-2013 under NONPROFITS

Join us in connecting sacred teaching on the care of creation with the sustainability movement. We are working to establish a portion of the Marywood campus into a prairie habitat.


In Season: September 14, 2013

Submitted 09-13-2013 under NONPROFITS

Be sure to check out Fulton Street Market while the last of summer's bounty remains as fall goods take over!


Exploring the Catholic Tradition

Submitted 09-10-2013 under NONPROFITS

This is a series of programs designed to explore and explain various aspects of the Catholic faith and practices to anyone would like to understand more about this faith that has been in existance more than 2000 years.


Plant Understanding ~ Harvest Peace

Submitted 09-05-2013 under NONPROFITS

To build trust and peace among people-with our neighbors, our families, and our brothers and sisters on Earth, we need to be proactive in our thoughts and lives.


In Season: September 7, 2013

Submitted 09-04-2013 under NONPROFITS

September has arrived and so have fall favorites! Come see what bounty fall has to offer at Fulton Street!


A Way: Out, Through, and Into

Submitted 09-03-2013 under NONPROFITS

Life as we know it is changing rapidly and dramatically. In the relentless busyness of modern life, we have lost the rhythm between stillness and activity.

