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Artist Spotlight: The Musicians of Avenue for the Arts

Submitted 06-03-2015 under NONPROFITS

Music for adults, astronauts, subhumans, and even college students.


West Michigan Jazz Society moves free concerts from zoo to Ah-Nab-Awen Park

Submitted 06-02-2015 under NEWS

Jazz in the Park begins year 15 of free jazz concerts on June 8 with a performance by the West Ottawa High School Jazz Band starting at 6:30 p.m. Organizers say the move makes the event open to a larger audience.


Local First Street Party to celebrate local businesses for 12th year Saturday

Submitted 06-02-2015 under NEWS

The event, presented by Founders Brewing Company and including local music, local food and interactive family activities, will be outside Bistro Bella Vita from 3 p.m. to midnight.


Love Local? First Fridays: The Market is the Place for You!

Submitted 05-29-2015 under NONPROFITS

The Market is back with two First Fridays: The Market events on June 5th and August 7th, reinvented for summer with featured vendors and outdoor entertainment!


Eastown's annual Picnic in the Park to plant 15 new trees

Submitted 05-05-2015 under NEWS

On May 9, the Eastown Community Association will partner with Friends of GR Parks to increase the shade canopy at Sigsbee Park.


GoSite celebrates Grand Opening

Submitted 04-28-2015 under PLACE-MATTERS

A ribbon-cutting ceremony and daylong celebration introduced the new welcome center to the community.


DisArt closing performance to celebrate strides, continue conversation

Submitted 04-21-2015 under LOCAL LIFE

The event at Wealthy Theatre will feature a performance directed by Arts in Motion Studio, which will include over a hundred Disabled performers, ACTion Drummers, paper mache birds, dancers and a choir.


DisArt to explore art with families Sunday

Submitted 04-17-2015 under LOCAL LIFE

This Sunday, families- including those with children who have sensory integration sensitivities- are invited to join in the Family Fest at Celebration Cinema North, with arts activities and a movie showing where children are encouraged to get up and move around.


Grand Rapids Civic Theatre crowdfunding campaign involves community in new way for Avenue Q

Submitted 04-09-2015 under NONPROFITS

The Grand Rapids Civic Theatre and School of Theatre Arts has launched a crowdfunding campaign to invite the people of West Michigan to come together as an artistic sponsor for the upcoming musical, 'Avenue Q.'


LadyFest celebrates Grand Rapids women

Submitted 04-02-2015 under LOCAL LIFE

The event includes diverse performances from musicians and poets, as well as DIY educational workshops.

