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"Not relaxing or easy," students try living a month of poverty

Submitted 11-14-2016 under NONPROFITS

Students required to attend poverty simulation for a college course receive a unique lesson on what poverty actually means for local families.


Swing dancers speak language of movement

Submitted 11-10-2016 under NEWS

The Grand Rapids Original Swing Society draws record setting amounts of people together for swing dancing on weekday nights throughout the year—more than most major cities. Founder Steve Zaagman’s goal is to bring affordable dancing, fitness and fun to great venues in downtown Grand Rapids.


Young Nonprofit Professionals Network celebrating its eighth annual Leadership Awards

Submitted 11-10-2016 under NEWS

The community is invited to come honor local nonprofit professionals at the St. Cecilia Music Society on Wednesday, November 16, 2016.


Vocational rehabilitation, independent living resources available for veterans

Submitted 11-09-2016 under NONPROFITS

This week’s episode of NPO Showcase features the Veteran Peer Supports program at Disability Advocates of Kent County.


Grand Rapids Area Black Businesses move conversation to action at #TheShift Summit

Submitted 11-08-2016 under NEWS

On Friday, November 18, Grand Rapids Area Black Businesses (GRABB) will host #TheShift Summit, featuring speaker Dr. Jessica Gordon-Nembhart on supporting African-American communities through innovative business models.


Remember to vote for local offices: Learn more about Kent County candidates

Submitted 11-07-2016 under NEWS

Interviews with candidates for the offices of Kent County Clerk, Prosecutor and Sheriff.


Updated with link: Special episode of City Connection discusses the importance of voting, voting rights

Submitted 11-07-2016 under NONPROFITS

Tonight's special episode of City Connection focuses on empowering voters to know their rights.


Sixteen local children need a forever home

Submitted 11-04-2016 under NONPROFITS

D.A. Blodgett – St. John’s (DABSJ) will mark National Adoption Awareness Month in November with Images of Adoption, an open house for those who would like to learn about becoming an adoptive parent. The agency will host Images of Adoption at DABSJ located at 805 Leonard, from 5 – 7 p.m. on Nov. 10.


Voting for Kent County Prosecutor: Alida Bryant runs on reform; Chris Becker on continuity

Submitted 11-04-2016 under NEWS

On November 8, Kent County voters will elect a new Prosecutor. The two candidates, Alida Bryant (Democrat) and Chris Becker (Republican) were interviewed on their vision for the office.


Local professor engages social work students in understanding poverty

Submitted 11-04-2016 under NONPROFITS

Greg Scott, Professor of Social Work and Social Work Program Director at Kuyper College leads students through poverty simulation exercises to better prepare them for their careers.

