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Photo Essay: A look back at a great National Volunteer Week service project

Submitted 05-05-2011 under NONPROFITS

A photo essay of the Youth Grant Committee - Land Conservancy volunteer project in honor of National Volunteer Week. The teens repaired a trail at the Brower Lake Nature Preserve in Rockford.


The Rapid: A Bright Future?

Submitted 05-03-2011 under OPINION

Just as you approach the stop, you see the bus pulling away. Could your day get any worse? Now you will have to wait for 30 minutes until the next bus comes along, making you late for work.


Literacy Center Says Transportation Is a Major Barrier to Literacy

Submitted 05-02-2011 under NONPROFITS

Learners Struggle to Attend Classes and Tutoring Sessions


Interview With Jim Bruckbauer of the Michigan Land Use Institute

Submitted 05-01-2011 under NEWS

Jim Bruckbauser works as a public transportation policy specialist


O'Connor's Home Brew Supply to celebrate grand opening Saturday

Submitted 04-29-2011 under LOCAL LIFE

Midtown's newest neighborhood shop is about to be officially, officially open for business and looking to initiate novices into the popular DIY hobby of home brewing


[HISTORY DETECTIVES] Historical transit decision comes full circle with May 3 millage

Submitted 04-29-2011 under OPINION

A sixth-generation Grand Rapidian reviews the history of GR's coveted railway system and how it comes full circle this month on May 3.


Wild, weedy & edible: the infamous garlic mustard

Submitted 04-28-2011 under LOCAL LIFE

Wild, Weedy & Edible: Garlic Mustard


Entrepreneurs are Rapidians, too.

Submitted 04-27-2011 under OPINION

The Rapidian is preparing to welcome local business participation through specialized underwriting, funded reporting and local marketplace section.


Literacy Center Draws on Family Fun

Submitted 04-26-2011 under NONPROFITS

Families come to together for a night of fun and learning!


Presentando el Club Prensa GAAH—Tyesha T.

Submitted 04-24-2011 under NONPROFITS

El propósito del Club Prensa en el Centro Cook Arts es proveer para los jóvenes de la vecindad Avenida Grandville con la oportunidad para encontrar, desarrollar y compartir sus voces creativas. Tyesh

