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GRPS to hold community meetings for proposed Transformation Plan

Submitted 11-02-2012 under NEWS

Parents, students and the Grand Rapids community are encouraged to attend public meetings to learn, ask questions and voice concerns about the proposed new plan for local schools.


Local Elections 2012: Kent County 14th District candidates respond to Rapidian questions

Submitted 11-02-2012 under NEWS

Carol Hennessy and Casey O'Neill answered some tough questions to help our local citizens understand who to vote for in upcoming elections Tuesday November 6.


Local Elections 2012: Michigan U.S. Senate candidates respond to Rapidian questions

Submitted 11-01-2012 under NEWS

Pete Hoekstra, Debbie Stabenow and Scotty Boman answered some tough questions to help our local citizens understand who to vote for in upcoming elections Tuesday November 6.


Tokyo Morose to release long awaited 'Sequence of Steps'

Submitted 11-01-2012 under OPINION

Preview of Grand Rapids band Tokyo Morose record release at Founders Brewing Co.


Kent Garden Club's 13th Annual Wreath Sale to benefit multiple charitable groups

Submitted 10-31-2012 under NONPROFITS

Kent Garden Club's Annual Wreath sale proceeds to benefit the military and their families, Habitat for Humanity, Ken-O-Sha School and land-conservancy and environmental groups


Stiletto Sweets turns hobby into sophisticated cakery success

Submitted 10-31-2012 under INNOVATION-SPOTLIGHT

Noddea Moore Skidmore, event coordinator turned baker, explores the non-traditional side of bakeries by starting her own, straight from her own kitchen.


Local Elections 2012: Walker Yes talks about transportation proposal

Submitted 10-31-2012 under NEWS

Walker Yes answered some tough questions to help our local citizens understand the City of Walker Proposal for Withdrawal from Interurban Transit Partnership.


Local Elections 2012: Friends of Transit talks about transportation proposal

Submitted 10-31-2012 under NEWS

Friends of Transit answered some tough questions to help our local citizens understand the City of Walker Proposal for Withdrawal from Interurban Transit Partnership.


Judicial candidates visit Children's Assessement Center

Submitted 10-30-2012 under OPINION

Three candidates for Michigan Supreme Court visited the Children's Assesment Center.


State and city proposal guide for neighbors: Objective information for your own decision

Submitted 10-30-2012 under NONPROFITS

A guide for Creston Neighbors on the various state and city proposals.

