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$1 million bikeway to be constructed in Grand Rapids

Submitted 12-10-2013 under NEWS

A long-awaited bicycle route will be constructed next year on Grand Rapids’ West Side. The route is approximately three-and-a-half miles and will link Kent Trails with the Fred Meijer White Pine State Trail.


Cook Library Scholars: A pathway of opportunity

Submitted 12-10-2013 under PLACE-MATTERS

Grandville Avenue Arts and Humanities provides a safe and welcoming environment where students can flourish.


Beerhorst family to welcome community into home

Submitted 12-10-2013 under NEWS

The Beerhorst family Christmas art show has evolved over the course of 22 years.


Mid December Holiday Art Thing: no holiday craft stuff here

Submitted 12-10-2013 under NEWS

This art exhibit features a short but respectable list of artists working in a variety of media.


More art, more shopping at Urban Lights event

Submitted 12-10-2013 under NEWS

Avenue for the Arts presents Urban Lights, a one day event where shops on the Division Avenue corridor extend their hours for holiday shopping.


Story Matters: Marjorie Steele uncovers history of Kendall building

Submitted 12-10-2013 under NONPROFITS

Marjorie Steele dove into the city archives to learn all about the Kendall building and the man who built it. Learn more about this iconic building at the corner of Fulton and Division.


Andy Angelo Press Club meets Sonia Manzano

Submitted 12-09-2013 under NONPROFITS

This month, students from the Andy Angelo Press Club were inspired by Latina actress and author Sonia Manzano, best known for her role as Maria on Sesame Street.


Story Matters: Marco Riolo shares how he fell in love with Grand Rapids

Submitted 12-09-2013 under NONPROFITS

Marco Riolo grew up in Grand Rapids. After living elsewhere as an adult, he moved back to the city thinking it would be just a launching pad to a larger city. Instead, he fell in love with the changes he's seen and decided to make Grand Rapids his permanent home.


Story Matters: Grand Rapids is Kathleen Bertoldi's favorite city to visit in her work travels

Submitted 12-09-2013 under NONPROFITS

Kathleen Bertoldi admits that when she first started traveling to Grand Rapids for work, she found the city to be a bit dull. Now, though, she finds a vibrancy and energy that makes it one of her favorite cities to visit.


Story Matters: Brittany Dernberger's journey to living downtown

Submitted 12-09-2013 under NONPROFITS

Brittany Dernberger and her partner Tyler Nickerson recently moved downtown into 616 Lofts at the Kendall. Watch Dernberger explain what drew them to living right in the center of the city.

