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Residents use art to encourage civic engagement in their neighborhoods

Submitted 09-18-2018 under NONPROFITS

Dwelling Place summer get out the vote events allowed residents the freedom to drop by and paint a poster, register to vote, check their registration status and more.


Grand Rapids Downtown Market celebrates fifth anniversary with community birthday party

Submitted 09-04-2018 under NONPROFITS

The Grand Rapids Downtown Market celebrates its fifth anniversary this week with four days of special deals and promotions leading up to a free fifth birthday party event to celebrate with the community on Saturday, September 8, 2018.


Catalyst Radio: Heartside Ministry discusses art therapy program

Submitted 08-20-2018 under NONPROFITS

John Williamson interviews Leara Glinzak and Jess Kimmel about how art works as a therapy for those with trauma and helps people process their experiences.


Diverse neighborhood voices share report about communities and policing

Submitted 08-09-2018 under NONPROFITS

Voices are powerful tools for hope and transformation. Dwelling Place, a local affordable housing non-profit, asked residents and the GRPD why they participated in National Night Out.


Local artist feature from UICA: Danielle Truss

Submitted 07-31-2018 under NONPROFITS

I'm originally from the UK mostly London, and have been here in GR for almost 5 years, I studied fashion, textiles and bespoke tailoring and now work as a costume designer.


Photo Gallery: Movimiento Cosecha GR protests Kent County contract with ICE at commission meeting

Submitted 07-30-2018 under NEWS

Photos from yesterday's Kent County Commission meeting on Thursday, July 26, 2018 and the Movimiento Cosecha GR protest and comments.


Commissioner Womack leads way in signing commitment to discontinue ICE contract in Kent County

Submitted 07-27-2018 under NEWS

The immigrant right group Movimiento Cosecha GR came out in numbers again to the Kent County Commissioners meeting on Thursday, July 26, 2018 to protest Kent County's contract with the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).


Public invited to open house highlighting public transit service improvements along Michigan Street corridor

Submitted 07-25-2018 under NEWS

Upcoming Route 19 improvements will simplify travel and parking in downtown Grand Rapids


GRandJazzFest seeks volunteers

Submitted 07-24-2018 under NONPROFITS

The festival is August 18-19, 2018. Three-hour shifts are available to assist in presenting this event to the community. All volunteers will receive a t-shirt, bottled water and the opportunity to help put on this free public event in the community.


Local artist feature from UICA: Dave Battjes

Submitted 07-24-2018 under NONPROFITS

Dave Battjes is a husband, dad, creative letterer, nature enthusiast and avid high fiver. Battjes’ creative practice, a never ending study of letters, has him creating large-scale murals and gorgeously crafted messages of positivity.

