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Story Matters: LaughFest volunteer Sarah Veselenak encourages us all to "find our funny"

Submitted 03-16-2015 under NONPROFITS

Sarah Veselenak sees LaughFest as a big awareness-builder for Gilda's Club, and the grief support that they provide- whether cancer related or not.


Story Matters: Three-time cancer survivor shares volunteer experiences at Gilda's Club

Submitted 03-13-2015 under NONPROFITS

Pat Gavin is a long time volunteer for Gilda's Club. In this video he shares how he brings his own experiences battling cancer to help others at Gilda's Club.


Story Matters: Stephanie McNamara tries laughter yoga for first time at LaughFest

Submitted 03-13-2015 under NONPROFITS

Stephanie McNamara explains why she likes supporting Gilda's Club and what it was like to experience laughter yoga for the first time with her family.


Catalyst Radio: MomsBloom is women volunteering to serve women with newborns

Submitted 03-11-2015 under NEWS

MomsBloom is gearing up for the May 19 fundraiser BloomAwards, with sponsorship opportunities still available.


My health journey: On running and having your s**t together

Submitted 03-11-2015 under VOICES

Running has always made me feel strong, mentally and physically. It’s always given me space to take, to occupy, when I felt like I was disappearing.


Disability 101 (part 3): Disability Pride?

Submitted 03-10-2015 under PLACE-MATTERS

Disabled activists have fought a long time to actually own the experience of disability itself. And in that ownership comes the possibility of pride, self-love and disability celebration.


Story Matters: Volunteer Ann Videtich says LaughFest brings a spotlight on Grand Rapids

Submitted 03-10-2015 under NONPROFITS

Ann Videtich has volunteered in a lot of areas for LaughFest. Here she shares how she's watched LaughFest draw attention to our city, both for out-of-town visitors as well as comedians.


Story Matters: Angēla Essick Dykes restores joy through Laughter Yoga

Submitted 03-10-2015 under NONPROFITS

Certified laughter yoga instructor Angēla Essick Dykes tells the story of how she discovered laughter yoga, and how it affected her own life. Laughter Yoga sessions are being offered for free every day during LaughFest at Gilda's Club


Story Matters: LaughFest festival director Joanne Roehm shares special memories

Submitted 03-09-2015 under NONPROFITS

Joanne Roehm, festival director of LaughFest, says the world needs LaughFest and the work being done at Gilda's Club to help us talk about the tough things in our lives.


Story Matters: Faithful attendee, volunteer says "everybody needs LaughFest"

Submitted 03-09-2015 under NONPROFITS

Sue Baker has attended LaughFest every year with her sisters, and volunteered many of those years. She explains why she continues to give her time and what value she finds in the yearly festival created to raise funds for Gilda's Club.

