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Grand Rapids

KVO / CBOT students share dance classes with volunteers from Northview High School

Submitted 05-23-2012 under NONPROFITS

The Kent Vocational Options and Community Based Occupational Training program would like to thank our community partner, Northview High School, for being a part of our 2012 KVO/CBOT prom.


Conductive Learning Center to compete in Art Van social media challenge

Submitted 05-22-2012 under NONPROFITS

The Conductive Learning Center (CLC) is asking for your support - not in dollars, but in votes.


Local comedian wins national contest

Submitted 05-22-2012 under LOCAL LIFE

Dave Jones talks about the power of comedy and making Shaq laugh.


GRCC $98.6 million millage loss, campaigners could have done more

Submitted 05-21-2012 under OPINION

GRCC loses $98.6 million-bond proposal by a record 6500 plus difference in the voting polls. Could the loss have been a result of the campaign's strategic planning?


Grand Rapids' own SpaceKid coming live from Los Angeles

Submitted 05-21-2012 under LOCAL LIFE

Catching up with SpaceKid, a former Grand Rapids-based hip hopster who has relocated to Los Angeles to further his career.


Transplant Games of America to come to GVSU this July

Submitted 05-21-2012 under NEWS

With over 112,000 people in America awaiting transplant, raising awareness for organ donation registry is paramount to the organizers of the Transplant Games.


American Civil Liberties Union discusses civil rights, poverty

Submitted 05-21-2012 under OPINION

Miriam Aukerman Speaks to the ACLU on civil liberties, economics, incarceration.


Glance at the Past - Lettuce Under Glass

Submitted 05-21-2012 under NONPROFITS

In this episode of Glance at the Past, take a gander at Grand Rapids under glass: the beginnings of greenhouses and forced seed propagation. Eugene Davis was the father of forced lettuce. These seeds became the standard of lettuce throughout the nation's markets.


A ferocious "County" at Actors' Theatre

Submitted 05-20-2012 under OPINION

A terrific production of the Pulitzer Prize-winning play opens in the city.


Catalyst Radio: Kids Food Basket addressing food insecurity in school-aged youth

Submitted 05-18-2012 under NEWS

Kids Food Basket provides nearly 4,800 youth a take-home dinner each weekday.

