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Grand Rapids

Software developers win contest for innovative snow plow app

Submitted 10-21-2014 under INNOVATION-SPOTLIGHT

A team of local software engineers have won the grand prize for Code Michigan 2014 with their snow plow data tracking application. The award of $15,000 will help the project move forward, yet much work remains to be done.


Local First to celebrate abundance with over 40 vendors at Fork Fest

Submitted 10-21-2014 under NEWS

Fork Fest is the culmination of Local First's East Local Challenge. A $30 ticket buys food samples from over 40 local beverage producers, growers and restauranteurs.


Awards nominations being accepted for GRABB

Submitted 10-21-2014 under NEWS

Grand Rapids Area Black Businesses will be presenting the first annual awards ceremony in recognition of Black businesses making an impact on the local community.


Talking about mental illness

Submitted 10-20-2014 under OPINION

Raising awareness for mental illness starts in our community and our own homes


Lead poisoning prevention as economic development

Submitted 10-17-2014 under NONPROFITS

We must remain vigilant about preventing lead poisoning in our community's children. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure - now, and in the future.


What's on Tap: October 16-22

Submitted 10-17-2014 under NEWS

Enjoy more fall themed ales this week at local brewpubs. Raise money for Crash's Landing this Saturday at Founder's.


Catalyst Radio: Lutheran Social Services working for families, children, seniors

Submitted 10-16-2014 under NEWS

LSSM operates with a vision to build communities of service, promoting human dignity and advocating for equality and justice.


NPO Showcase: GVSU Master of Philanthropy & Nonprofit Leadership

Submitted 10-15-2014 under NONPROFITS

Grand Valley State University has created a new Master's degree in Philanthropy & Nonprofit Leadership


Local brewing clubs join forces to raise awareness, camaraderie

Submitted 10-15-2014 under LOCAL LIFE

This past weekend home brewers gathered in Midtown to brew beers focused on one secret ingredient. In six weeks a winning beer will be chosen for the public to enjoy at Gravel Bottom Craft Brewery.


Dopapod album release tour to roll through The Stache

Submitted 10-14-2014 under NEWS

The Stache venue inside The Intersection hosts An Evening With Dopapod as the band prepares to release their new album, "Never Odd or Even."

