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Grand Rapids

Calling all Mamavists!

Submitted 09-28-2018 under OPINION

We have neither adequate political representation at the local, state and national levels nor enough collective wealth to directly influence the political process. What we do have is enough sense to know a lot of policy prevents Michigan families from obtaining basic resources and opportunities.


Kent County Domestic Violence Community Coordinated Response Team honors domestic homicide victims

Submitted 09-28-2018 under NONPROFITS

Candlelight Vigil to be held Monday to honor victims of domestic violence homicide.


Public kept from room at Kent County Board of Commissioners meeting

Submitted 09-27-2018 under NEWS

The Kent County Board of Commissioners held its monthly meeting today, Thursday, September 27, 2018 without anyone from the public in the room. Residents who come for public comment were instructed to sit in a room next door and watch the meeting on closed circuit tv.


Make It Take It: A creative happy hour to be held on October 18

Submitted 09-26-2018 under NONPROFITS

Join WMCAT for a creative happy hour, Make It Take It, on Thursday, October 18 from 6-9 pm for appetizers, drinks, music, and creative activities!


Free ArtPrize concerts featuring Grand Rapids Symphony at The Morton, Friday and Saturday

Submitted 09-25-2018 under NONPROFITS

Grand Rapids Symphony presents cutting-edge new music by four emerging composers entered in ArtPrize 2018.


Former Ottawa County Clerk endorses 'Promote the Vote' ballot initiative

Submitted 09-25-2018 under PLACE-MATTERS

Daniel Krueger, former Ottawa County Clerk for 36 years, announced his support for Proposal 3, also known as the ‘Promote the Vote’ ballot initiative. The ballot proposal would amend the state’s constitution to secure voting changes regardless of which party is in power in the state of Michigan.


Backlash to Cosecha disruption at ArtPrize showcases problem with typical 'West Michigan nice'

Submitted 09-25-2018 under NONPROFITS

"#EndTheContract but not like that" is the response we receive when we interrupt ArtPrize and County Commission meetings. Grand Rapids, we need to talk about movement building, institutional power, and the racism in 'civil conversation.'


Downtown Market hosting annual Small Plates, Big Impact fundraiser on October 11

Submitted 09-25-2018 under NONPROFITS

The event benefits Downtown Market’s nonprofit education foundation including culinary medicine, job training and entrepreneur programs. Tickets include libations and a strolling dinner throughout the Market Hall featuring exclusive small plate dining experiences from various Market vendors.


St. Cecilia Music Center launches 2018-19 season with folk artist Pokey LaFarge

Submitted 09-25-2018 under NONPROFITS

St. Cecilia Music Center (SCMC) will begin a new season of music on October 4, 2018 launching the Folk Series with popular artist Pokey LaFarge. This season will be SCMC’s celebration of their 135-year history as the oldest performing arts organization in Grand Rapids.


Ethics and Religion Talk: How does your tradition react to suicide?

Submitted 09-24-2018 under OPINION

Does your tradition condemn a person who died by his or her own hand (committed suicide) in any way, such as burial in a separate section of the cemetery, burial without all of the normal funeral rites, or by refusing to conduct a funeral service at all? Why or why not?

