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Government & Politics

Vote yes for Grand Rapids streets today

Submitted 05-06-2014 under OPINION

We must pass the income tax extension now. The result of a yes vote is that citizens will continue paying exactly the same income tax they currently pay, while the City will be able to begin the 15 year task of rebuilding our streets.


Mayor answers citizen concerns about violence, other issues on City Connection

Submitted 05-05-2014 under NONPROFITS

Monday night, the mayor answered citizen concerns- live- in City Connection. A GRTV intern asked the mayor about the City's efforts to deter violence. See the mayor's answer to this and other questions in the video archive here.


Meet civic investor Jack Hoffman: Investing in a better city- through law

Submitted 04-24-2014 under LOCAL LIFE

Attorney Jack Hoffman has consistently worked for urban preservation and development throughout his career- and now sees the results of his efforts on his walk to work each morning.


Build youth literacy: How investing in The Rapidian invests in your community

Submitted 04-24-2014 under NONPROFITS

Follow the story of Edgar as he interviews the mayor, builds his literacy skills and becomes a straight-A student while a young reporter for The Rapidian.


Meet civic investor Rachel Lee: Investing in neighborhood vibrancy

Submitted 04-23-2014 under LOCAL LIFE

Rachel Lee heads up the neighborhood association in one of Grand Rapids' most walkable neighborhoods. She's intent on keeping her neighbors engaged and involved, as they work together to create a vibrant urban environment.


Building city vibrancy

Submitted 04-22-2014 under PLACE-MATTERS

Investing in the community, creating opportunities and growing demand increase the vibrancy of a city.


Catalyst Radio: Wege Speaker Series bringing to town wind energy expert Tom Kiernan

Submitted 04-18-2014 under NEWS

The Wege Foundation continues its speaker series at Aquinas College with wind energy expert Tom Kiernan, CEO of the nonprofit American Wind Energy Association. The free event on Thursday, Apr. 24 begins at 4 p.m.


Meet civic investor Erica VanEe: Investing in a place at the table

Submitted 04-15-2014 under NONPROFITS

Erica VanEe says it wasn't until she was living, working and playing in the same community that she truly found a sense of place and purpose. VanEe brings her history of inclusive strategy and work in education to her new appointment on the City of Grand Rapids Planning Commission.


Mayor answers citizen questions on City Connection

Submitted 04-07-2014 under NONPROFITS

Tonight at 5 p.m., the mayor will be available to answer questions- live- from local citizens. The Rapidian's intern Hayley Gryzch asks about proposed parking meter changes to the downtown area. Ask your question here!


Harrison Report: Media Team tackles strict teachers, short recesses, visit with Governor Snyder

Submitted 03-26-2014 under NONPROFITS

The kids at Harrison Park weigh in with a political news article, an opinion editorial and an advice column. All reports come from members of the Media Team at Harrison Park Elementary School.

