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OKT offers free History of Food Class

Submitted 01-03-2014 under NONPROFITS

Throughout history, food production has been a key component of how members of a society organize themselves and express their different cultural norms and identities. This class explores different types of sustenance economies as well as the history of food from before the rise of civilizations.


What's On Tap: January 3-8

Submitted 01-03-2014 under LOCAL LIFE

Escape from sub-zero temperatures and warm up with a cold one at your local breweries this week.


Review: The Green Well

Submitted 01-01-2014 under OPINION

Though occasionally stellar, The Green Well remains inconsistent.


Story Matters: Matthew Huizenga compares beer festivals, praises Grand Rapids' creative culture

Submitted 12-31-2013 under NONPROFITS

Matthew Huizenga moved here from a smaller city in Oregon not too long ago. In this video, he compares the brewing culture in both places.


Perrin Brewing Company pursues core goals through simplicity and innovation

Submitted 12-31-2013 under LOCAL LIFE

The Comstock Park brewery aims to turn ordinary practices on their heads for an innovative approach to the brewing business.


Propaganda Doughnuts opens for business

Submitted 12-30-2013 under NEWS

After a longer than anticipated wait, Propaganda Doughnuts finally opens doors to offer classic French patisserie doughnuts on South Division.


Pussycat Beer Guild represents women who like beer

Submitted 12-30-2013 under NEWS

Pussycat Beer Guild organizes social for women and men on the first Tuesday every other month.


Duba & Company works to supply Grand Rapids with rare breed heritage meats

Submitted 12-30-2013 under INNOVATION-SPOTLIGHT

Jeff Duba, proprietor of Duba & Company, perpetuates family legacy by purveying top quality artisanal meats to West Michigan.


GoSite Inclusion Committee working to represent area sectors

Submitted 12-30-2013 under PLACE-MATTERS

The GoSite information sharing space will shine a light on the diverse communities, groups, and activities across the metro Grand Rapids area, with help from the many dedicated people already working everyday to build them.


Story Matters: Lauren and Derek Sikkema reveal brewery favorites

Submitted 12-26-2013 under NONPROFITS

Lauren and Derek Sikkema talk about the ways that Grand Rapids is changing and what they love about the local brew culture. They reveal how the food offered can sometimes dictate which of their favorites to visit.

