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GRPS LEEDs state in green-build schools

Submitted 08-22-2011 under NONPROFITS

Cesar E. Chavez elementary School received LEED Certification earlier this year.


Two Rock Stars: High school students working at LINC this summer!

Submitted 08-20-2011 under NONPROFITS

Two summer learning students share their experience working with LINC this summer.


Sunday Soup #14 kicked off the fall soup season

Submitted 08-19-2011 under NEWS

Sunday Soup is back after its summer hiatus. If you've never come before, inside you'll find a room of people passionate about supporting local projects and eating soup.


Catalyst Radio: GR GiveCamp taking apps from nonprofits in need of custom web tools

Submitted 08-19-2011 under NONPROFITS

Nonprofits apply with a project idea—a website, a database—and developers, designers and others from Grand Rapids and beyond come together to build those tools in one weekend.


Brick by Brick: Grandville Avenue is Redone

Submitted 08-19-2011 under NEWS

The work on Grandville Avenue include re-paving of the brick street which is done by hand.


The ArtPrize Experience

Submitted 08-18-2011 under OPINION

A review of the film The ArtPrize Experience


Your input really matters!

Submitted 08-18-2011 under OPINION

We need YOU to take a Rapidian audience survey.


Putting Education First - Nebiat Mengsteab's Journey to Graduation

Submitted 08-18-2011 under NONPROFITS

Nebiat Mengsteab's involvement in school is extensive with extra curricular activities.


UICA Sells Over 700 Pieces of ArtWork for $25-50

Submitted 08-17-2011 under NONPROFITS

[VIDEO] In celebration of UICA’s new building opening in July 2011 (7/11), UICA is selling over 700 pieces of artwork for $25 or $50.


GRPS Summer KinderCamp kicked off this week

Submitted 08-17-2011 under NONPROFITS

GRPS, First Steps and Great Start team up to get children and parents ready for kindergarten.

