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Air Quality Workshop to be Held on the City's Southeast Side

Submitted 06-28-2023 under LOCAL LIFE

JustAir, The Community Collaboration on Climate Change (C4), Scales Consulting, and the Greater Grand Rapids NAACP to hold Air Quality Workshop in the 49507 Neighborhood on Thursday


Ethics and Religion Talk: Why is it Wrong to Trust in Oneself?

Submitted 06-26-2023 under OPINION

Proverbs 28:26 says that "Whoever trusts in his own mind is a fool, but he who walks in wisdom will be delivered." Why is it wrong to trust in oneself?


Community Updates: Friday, June 23

Submitted 06-23-2023 under NEWS

The City of Grand Rapids, Kent County Health Department, and Michigan Department of Health and Human Services to offer free water filters to eligible Kent County households; City Planning Commission holds public hearing for proposed downtown amphitheater; and more


League of Women Voters holds reception for inaugural GoVote Poster Contest winners

Submitted 06-20-2023 under NONPROFITS

A reception and month’s long exhibit at the Grand Rapids Art Museum celebrate the work of Kent County high school students


Ethics and Religion Talk: When May I Stray from My Tradition's Moral Code?

Submitted 06-19-2023 under OPINION

I occasionally come across stories of saints, prophets, and other religious figures of note who seem to break from the moral codes we are taught to obey.


Community Updates: Friday, June 16

Submitted 06-16-2023 under NEWS

Grand Rapids City Commission hosts "Commission Night Out" meeting in GR's Third Ward; City of Grand Rapids seeking proposal submissions for next three Participatory Budgeting Grand Rapids projects; and more


Demystifying Permanent Supportive Housing

Submitted 06-14-2023 under NONPROFITS

How Permanent Supportive Housing Helps Vulnerable People Live and Thrive in the Community


Providing a Fresh Start for Women and Children

Submitted 06-13-2023 under NONPROFITS

The Rotary Club of Kentwood partners with Daffodil Ministries to help give five families a fresh start.


1500 Kent County Families Receive Learning Kits

Submitted 06-13-2023 under NONPROFITS

Nonprofit creates learning kits to help children in Kent County increase their literacy levels and prepare them for kindergarten.


Grand Rapids Pride Festival to Celebrate its 35th Year This Weekend

Submitted 06-13-2023 under NONPROFITS

Jazz McKinney, the Executive Director of the Grand Rapids Pride Center, joins Phil Tower in the WYCE studio ahead of the 2023 Grand Rapids Pride Festival

