Submitted 04-20-2017 under NONPROFITS
This week's episode of NPO Showcase features WMEAC which connects environmentally concerned citizens with innovative and effective solutions
Submitted 04-18-2017 under PLACE-MATTERS
On Wednesday, March 19, 2017, Grand Rapids Community Media Center (GRCMC) will present a special showcase of video productions created during the Elevating Voices project. Elevating Voices is a multi-year project created to raise the visibility of diverse voices in our community.
Submitted 04-18-2017 under NONPROFITS
On April 27th, from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m., UICA will present a panel talk featuring Dr. David Pilgrim, founder of the Jim Crow Museum, and invites the public to join the conversation.
Over the first week of April, a group of Cook Arts Center students enjoyed their spring break by attending a four-day art camp. The camp was held in partnership with Kendall College of Art and Design (KCAD)
The March for Science works to encourage evidence-based thinking when forming public policies. The march will be held in Lansing.
Submitted 04-17-2017 under NONPROFITS
Peace expert presents Wednesday, April 27, in a free, public talk, co-presented by the World Affairs Council of Western Michigan and the Kent District Library.
The Pigeon Creek Shakespeare Company will present William Shakespeare's 'Much Ado About Nothing' at the Dog Story Theater April 21-30.
Submitted 04-14-2017 under LOCAL LIFE
New West Michigan Whitecaps coach set the all-time minor league record for home runs. A recently released tune by Howie Newman explores his baseball exploits.
Submitted 04-14-2017 under NEWS
Host Leah Schumaker speaks with Alaina Dobkowski, Executive Director of New City Neighbors, and student staff member Rileigh Haan.
Submitted 04-14-2017 under VOICES
Tami VandenBerg, co-owner of the Meanwhile and Pyramid Scheme and part-time director of Well House, said The Rapidian is another great outlet to get people talking about the issues.