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WMEAC works with the community to protect natural resources, mitigate climate impacts

Submitted 04-20-2017 under NONPROFITS

This week's episode of NPO Showcase features WMEAC which connects environmentally concerned citizens with innovative and effective solutions


Elevating Voices: Community Media Center showcases locally produced videos exploring identity, race, disability at Wealthy Theatre

Submitted 04-18-2017 under PLACE-MATTERS

On Wednesday, March 19, 2017, Grand Rapids Community Media Center (GRCMC) will present a special showcase of video productions created during the Elevating Voices project. Elevating Voices is a multi-year project created to raise the visibility of diverse voices in our community.


UICA hosts founder of Jim Crow Museum to discuss race, art

Submitted 04-18-2017 under NONPROFITS

On April 27th, from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m., UICA will present a panel talk featuring Dr. David Pilgrim, founder of the Jim Crow Museum, and invites the public to join the conversation.


Staycation: Kendall College, Cook Arts Center partner for Spring Break Art Camp

Submitted 04-18-2017 under NONPROFITS

Over the first week of April, a group of Cook Arts Center students enjoyed their spring break by attending a four-day art camp. The camp was held in partnership with Kendall College of Art and Design (KCAD)


Center for Inquiry Michigan sponsoring March for Science on Saturday

Submitted 04-18-2017 under NONPROFITS

The March for Science works to encourage evidence-based thinking when forming public policies. The march will be held in Lansing.


North Korea: Peaceful solution presented by conflicts expert

Submitted 04-17-2017 under NONPROFITS

Peace expert presents Wednesday, April 27, in a free, public talk, co-presented by the World Affairs Council of Western Michigan and the Kent District Library.


Pigeon Creek Shakespeare Company presents 'Much Ado About Nothing'

Submitted 04-17-2017 under NONPROFITS

The Pigeon Creek Shakespeare Company will present William Shakespeare's 'Much Ado About Nothing' at the Dog Story Theater April 21-30.


Mike Hessman song chronicles his storied 20-year career

Submitted 04-14-2017 under LOCAL LIFE

New West Michigan Whitecaps coach set the all-time minor league record for home runs. A recently released tune by Howie Newman explores his baseball exploits.


Catalyst Radio: New City Neighbors

Submitted 04-14-2017 under NEWS

Host Leah Schumaker speaks with Alaina Dobkowski, Executive Director of New City Neighbors, and student staff member Rileigh Haan.


Meet Civic Investor Tami VandenBerg: Passionate advocate for access to housing

Submitted 04-14-2017 under VOICES

Tami VandenBerg, co-owner of the Meanwhile and Pyramid Scheme and part-time director of Well House, said The Rapidian is another great outlet to get people talking about the issues.

