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COVID-19 in Grand Rapids: Wednesday, May 13 updates

Submitted 05-13-2020 under NEWS

City of Grand Rapids shares update on pandemic response and recovery efforts, Michigan health departments begin contact tracing phone calls to exposed residents, and Opera Grand Rapids launches Education in Place web series amid continued public closures.


Guiding Light Maintains Platinum Seal of Transparency by GuideStar

Submitted 05-13-2020 under NONPROFITS

The Platinum Seal of Transparency by GuideStar, the world’s largest source of information on U.S. nonprofits, is the highest level that can be bestowed.


COVID-19 in Grand Rapids: Monday, May 11 updates

Submitted 05-11-2020 under NEWS

Kent County Health Department urges awareness of coronavirus resurgence risk amid gradual reopenings, Michigan Air National Guard’s 127th Wing to fly aircraft over Grand Rapids as part of May 12 flyover saluting Michigan frontline workers, and more statements issued May 9-11.


Ethics and Religion Talk: Is God's Role to be Fearsome or Loving?

Submitted 05-11-2020 under OPINION

Genevieve asks, “Is God’s role more that of divine power to be feared, a loving creator, or otherwise?”


COVID-19 in Grand Rapids: Friday, May 8 updates

Submitted 05-08-2020 under NEWS

Gov. Whitmer extends “Stay Home, Stay Safe” order through May 28, Mercy Health resumes select non-emergency procedures and surgeries amid COVID-19 case growth flattening, and Grand Valley State University develops pandemic-minded learning options for fall semester students.


In Season Report: May 9, 2020

Submitted 05-08-2020 under NONPROFITS

Don’t let the cool weather fool you! We still have a LARGE selection of fresh produce and other market goodies! Join us and our 40 VENDORS tomorrow to shop for your local food essentials.


Creating the new normal - can we be better for each other?

Submitted 05-08-2020 under NONPROFITS

What will the “new normal” look like when this is over? How can we become a better and more just community after this pandemic?


COVID-19 in Grand Rapids: Wednesday, May 6 updates

Submitted 05-06-2020 under NEWS

Kent County Health Department begins offering testing for all Kent County first responders, Michigan Department of Health and Human Services uses CARES Act funds to help aging Michiganders, and more statements issued May 4-6.


Calvin Center for Faith & Writing debuts a short, no-cost film of Bridge to Terabithia author Katherine Paterson, featuring kids from the Grand Rapids Creative Youth Center

Submitted 05-05-2020 under NONPROFITS

The Calvin Center for Faith & Writing is debuting a short, no-cost film about Katherine Paterson, with kids from the Grand Rapids Creative Youth Center (CYC), and librarian and author Travis Jonker.


We must look with an unwavering eye toward compassion

Submitted 05-05-2020 under NONPROFITS

How can we look with an unwavering eye at the suffering we see and experience these days? The story of Chenrezig, the Bodhisattva of Compassion in Tibet, may be able to shed light on surviving the COVID-19 crisis with one’s heart intact.

