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In Season: September 7, 2013

Submitted 09-04-2013 under NONPROFITS

September has arrived and so have fall favorites! Come see what bounty fall has to offer at Fulton Street!


Eastown Streetfair now accepting applicant registration

Submitted 09-03-2013 under NEWS

Individuals and organizations can now be added to the wait list to participate in the 2013 street festival that has been a key event for the community for 40 years.


In Season: August 31, 2013

Submitted 08-30-2013 under NONPROFITS

Stock your fridge for the last weekend of the summer! Stop by Fulton Street for the seasons freshest varieties.


Story Matters: Michael Johnson shares how Grand Rapids is a hidden gem

Submitted 08-29-2013 under NONPROFITS

At Ah Nab Awen Park this past Friday, Johnson shares his favorite events in Grand Rapids and how visitors were surprised by the vibrancy of the city.


Grand Valley professor breaks down educational borders

Submitted 08-29-2013 under LOCAL LIFE

Zulema Moret, writer, professor and spiritual director, assists underprivileged Latino adults in getting a diploma from their home country.


Eliot Lipp brings new live band, energy to The 'Stache

Submitted 08-26-2013 under OPINION

Last weekend, Brooklyn based beatmaster Eliot Lipp was brought to The Stache. With him, Lipp brought a live band, a new depth of sound, and many fantastic new tracks.


In Season: August 24, 2013

Submitted 08-23-2013 under NONPROFITS

It's peak season West Michigan- stop by Fulton Street before August sneaks away!


Catalyst Radio: "The Wrecking Crew" music documentary at Wealthy Theatre Aug. 23

Submitted 08-23-2013 under NEWS

Denny Tedesco brings to GR his movie about prominent LA studio musician of the 1960s.


Pilgrim Manor Retirement Community Celebrates 50 Years With a Groovy 1960s Community Picnic

Submitted 08-22-2013 under NONPROFITS

Free community picnic to celebrate Pilgrim Manor's 50th anniversary. Join us for food, entertainment, & giveaways!


Dance to End Bullying August 22nd at The Pyramid Scheme

Submitted 08-16-2013 under NONPROFITS

End Bullying, Save Lives”, a Grand Rapids based non-profit dedicated to advocating for the victims of bullying and educating the public about its consequences, is holding an all-ages dance party on August 22 at the Pyramid Scheme

