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East Grand Rapids

Community updates: Wednesday, July 29

Submitted 07-29-2020 under NEWS

Gov. Whitmer limits indoor gatherings to 10 people, closes indoor bar service across Michigan; Grand Rapids nears August 4 primary elections; and The Rapid implementing fare payment changes on August 1.


Community updates: Monday, July 27

Submitted 07-27-2020 under NEWS

Grand Rapids Public Schools starting school year online-only for first nine weeks; Grand Rapids Community College extends fall tuition due date, reduces parking fees to help students during pandemic; and more.


Grand Rapids independent venues join day of action to support federal aid for endangered venues

Submitted 07-27-2020 under NEWS

The Save Our Stages Act and RESTART Act aim to provide support, relief, and protections for independent venues that have lost nearly 100% of their revenue since the pandemic began in March.


Community updates: Friday, July 24

Submitted 07-24-2020 under NEWS

Grand Rapids hospitals, agencies open free clinic to serve people experiencing homelessness; City of Grand Rapids sets timeline for considering budget changes that improve public safety; and Grand Rapids Ballet postpones 2020-21 season, will launch virtual performances.


John Lewis joined other religious leaders in the call for justice

Submitted 07-24-2020 under NONPROFITS

The death of civil rights leader John Lewis reminds us of the events of 1965 in Selma and the religious leaders who were involved. Jon Meacham shares his reflections.


Community updates: Wednesday, July 22

Submitted 07-22-2020 under NEWS

Kent County Health Department reports slight decline in Kent County’s COVID-19 case growth; City of Grand Rapids details more police reform efforts; and Girls Rock! Grand Rapids goes virtual for August summer camp.


Community updates: Monday, July 20

Submitted 07-20-2020 under NEWS

Grand Rapids leaders propose expanded mental health partnerships with police; Grand Rapids Public Schools gives update on return to school plans; and Friends of Grand Rapids Parks launches Green Team summer youth employment program.


WWII Vets Sought for Greatest Generation Remembrance

Submitted 07-20-2020 under NEWS

The 75th anniversary of the end of WWII will be commemorated with events at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum September 1-2


West Michigan native gives COVID-19 advice and insights

Submitted 07-20-2020 under NONPROFITS

Holland-born Ambasador (ret.) Bill Garvelink gives counsel on COVID-19 based on global experiences


Community updates: Friday, July 17

Submitted 07-17-2020 under NEWS

Gov. Whitmer clarifies Michigan face covering requirement; Kent County, United Way launch fund for local nonprofits providing COVID-related relief services; and Avenue for the Arts to host mobile art event in downtown Grand Rapids in October.

