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Downtown Market opens for business

The Downtown Market's outdoor farmers market area is now open for business.
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Downtown Market is now open in the heart of Grand Rapids

Downtown Market is now open in the heart of Grand Rapids /Allen Wegener

Professional Hula Hooper Mike Hayataka entertains customer on opening day

Professional Hula Hooper Mike Hayataka entertains customer on opening day /Allen Wegener

Customer Kathy McNamara purchases bread from local vendor Ric Gajewski

Customer Kathy McNamara purchases bread from local vendor Ric Gajewski /Allen Wegener

It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon for the Downtown Market to open for business on May 4, 2013.

The new Downtown Market is now open in the heart of down town Grand Rapids. It is located just south of Heartside Park next to the 131 S-Curve. The open air market is open to the public on Tuesdays and Saturdays from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and on Thursdays from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

"It's good for the local economy," says Claire Duthler, the Downtown Market facility manager. "It's local grown food provided by the local farmers."

Entertainment was also provided for the customers that continued to check out the new market.

"It's good for the business," says Elizabeth Nobel, a family member who offered home made honey.

There were some 30 to 40 vendors on hand at opening day.

"I enjoy the outdoor atmosphere of the market," says Kathy McNamara, a local customer. "It's better than a store."

"I'm here to sell bread," says Ric Gajewski, co-owner of Great Harvest Bread. "I'm impressed with the building."

The main building is still under contruction and won't be fully open to the public until August.

"As the growing season begins in June we will have some 80 to 90 vendors on hand to sell their food. We will have Chef [demonstrations], activities for the kids and street perfomers here as well." says Duthler.

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