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In Season: July 6,2013

Submitted 07-02-2013 under NONPROFITS

Cherries have arrived! Come stock up on your berries for the holiday weekend!


Creating a fresh community at the Downtown Market

Submitted 07-02-2013 under PLACE-MATTERS

The Downtown Market is bringing vibrancy to a dormant part of the downtown and creating a community through business, events and classes for all ages.


Introductory Workshop to Centering Prayer

Submitted 07-02-2013 under NONPROFITS

Come explore a method of prayer which opens your mind and heart, your whole being, to God.


Shop Seasonally: saying 'farewell' to rhubarb, and 'hello' to cherries, snap peas and pickling cucumbers

Submitted 07-02-2013 under LOCAL LIFE

July has arrived, and so have the broccoli, cherries, and the anticipation of blueberries!


GR Makers support ideas, collaboration

Submitted 07-02-2013 under LOCAL LIFE

Join the free social gatherings Wednesday night at 6 p.m. at 401 Hall Street SW to share ideas and meet fellow makers.


Really Really Free Market July 7

Submitted 07-02-2013 under LOCAL LIFE

The market will be at John Ball Zoo from 2 p.m. - 5p.m. Bring your items to give to others, or come to find items for free.


Amway Fourth of July Family Fireworks to include naturalization ceremony

Submitted 07-01-2013 under NEWS

As part of the Fourth of July celebration, 60 West Michigan residents will be sworn in as U.S. citizens on the Fourth of July at Ah-Nab-Awen Park.


Local sports and social club offers more than typical sports scene

Submitted 07-01-2013 under LOCAL LIFE

Chris Wessely directs the Grand Rapid's Sport and Social Club which boasts over 750 local participants.


The Artists of Heartside Gallery and Studio-- Anthony Lazar

Submitted 07-01-2013 under NONPROFITS

Seeing the smiling faces of the many people's lives I have inspired makes me feel that I can overcome any obstacle in my life.


UICA screening French film "Something in the Air"

Submitted 06-28-2013 under OPINION

"Something in the Air," a film about French students in 1968, opened at UICA Friday June 28.

