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Triumph Music Academy passionate about people

Submitted 02-25-2014 under INNOVATION-SPOTLIGHT

James Hughes and company are teaching much more than music composition and technique. The team empasizes the importance of community and collaboration.


Jonny B'z plans to move across street into repurposed garage

Submitted 02-25-2014 under NEWS

Owner Bob Graham has purchased the dilapidated auto garage on Wealthy Street in East Hills with the intent to renovate and relocate the current operation.


Kingma's Market goes up for sale

Submitted 02-25-2014 under OPINION

Will the Northeast side lose a grocery gem?


Avenue for the Arts revamps First Fridays with new programs

Submitted 02-25-2014 under NONPROFITS

First Fridays Gallery Hop features artists, exibitions, movie screenings and drink specials.


Girl Scouts to offer interactive fundraiser party

Submitted 02-24-2014 under LOCAL LIFE

Girl Scouts of Michigan Shore to Shore will host the first Badge Bash this Wednesday. The party will allow adult men and women to earn traditional badges in a nontraditional way.


Running because of fear: when the internal struggle is based on the external

Submitted 02-24-2014 under OPINION

I nearly ran myself to death because of an overwhelming desire to be accepted. I don't want others to experience a similar fate.


UICA's Live Coverage invites audience to watch artists work, raises funds for art center

Submitted 02-24-2014 under LOCAL LIFE

An audience of 320 people attended the UICA's Live Coverage event last Friday night to watch artists create and to bid on the finished creations.


Winter Beer Festival celebrates ninth year of Michigan brewery pride

Submitted 02-24-2014 under LOCAL LIFE

The Michigan Brewer's Guild held the ninth annual Winter Beer Festival this Saturday to another sold out crowd.


In Season: February 22, 2014

Submitted 02-22-2014 under NONPROFITS

A list of locally grown fruits and vegetables along with locally produce products available at your local farmers markets.


Art.Downtown. Returns with Two Great Events

Submitted 02-21-2014 under NONPROFITS

Art.Downtown., presented by Avenue for the Arts, returns for it's fifth year! Mark your calendars for the education event, Break it Down, Make it Better on March 1st and Art.Downtown. on April 11th

