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Story Matters: Robert Kennedy talks about living life with mental illness

Submitted 09-15-2014 under NONPROFITS

Robert Kennedy shares about how he came to the Heartside neighborhood, what his life is like with a mental illness and what his hopes are for the future.


Story Matters: Katalina Corona creates art in Heartside neighborhood

Submitted 09-15-2014 under NONPROFITS

Katalina Corona, mixed-media artist, explains both the importance of art and of withholding judgment.


German club invites community to celebrate Oktoberfest

Submitted 09-15-2014 under NEWS

The local Edelweiss Club is hosting their annual celebration of German heritage through food, beer, music and dancing September 26-27.


Hunger Action Week addresses food access, nutrition in Kent County

Submitted 09-12-2014 under NONPROFITS

The annual event series turns its attention to the intersections of hunger, poverty and health, Sept. 14-20.


UICA reveals special preview of ArtPrize exhibit

Submitted 09-12-2014 under NONPROFITS

UICA Exhibitions Curator AJ Paschka gives us a special preview of the ArtPrize Exhibit. [Video 1 of 3]


What's on Tap: September 11-17

Submitted 09-11-2014 under LOCAL LIFE

Welcome fall with a beer from a local brewpub.


Go deeper: Community Media Center prepares unique ArtPrize coverage

Submitted 09-09-2014 under PLACE-MATTERS

The Community Media Center will provide opportunities for public response through multiple platforms: The Rapidian, GRTV and WYCE will be creating unique content geared at building broader conversation.


Annual Eastown Streetfair to kick off Saturday

Submitted 09-09-2014 under NONPROFITS

Celebrate Summer, welcome fall and experience Eastown at the 41st annual Streetfair on Saturday, September 13 from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.


Grand Rapids Original Swing Society to host Disney-themed dance in Rosa Parks Circle

Submitted 09-09-2014 under NEWS

Join fellow swingers at Rosa Parks Circle for a Disney themed donation dance.


Founders anticipates Sunday release of official ArtPrize beer

Submitted 09-09-2014 under NEWS

ArtPrize unveils Mosaic Promise, the official ArtPrize 2014 beer in collaboration with Kolenda Art Glass. The single malt, single hop "Mosaic Promise" will be released to the public on September 14 and on tap at Founders on September 16.

