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I Can't Live Your Life for You: Andy's Journey in Recovery

Submitted 10-13-2021 under NONPROFITS

After several trips to the emergency room and attempts to get help, Andy found himself at the end of his rope. During his last hospitalization due to complications arising from his decades of alcoholism, a nurse told him that he “had to go somewhere” and that he “didn’t have a choice."


Ethics and Religion Talk: Violence and Religious Proselytization

Submitted 10-11-2021 under OPINION

D. Patel asks, “At a UN World Religion Conference, there was discussion on ‘Religious violence and religious proselytization.’ Do you think stopping the practice of religious proselytization will help reduce religious violence?”


Ethics and Religion Talk: Does Money Solve Marital Problems?

Submitted 10-04-2021 under OPINION

The Bill and Melinda Gates divorce has left many wondering about how often people think their issues will be resolved with money and charity. This couple had both and it wasn't enough to keep them together. I would like to hear the panel's opinions.


Grand Rapids Civic Theatre Stages Funny, Aching Musical Once

Submitted 10-01-2021 under OPINION

Grand Rapids Civic Theatre’s production of Once is a big-hearted show filled with humor, emotion, and powerful music.


Ethics and Religion Talk: Self-Awareness

Submitted 09-27-2021 under OPINION

“How can I grow in self-awareness and help others do the same. So many of our conflicts would lessen if we would all grow in self-awareness.”


From Fear to Gratitude, Michael Shares His Recovery Journey

Submitted 09-21-2021 under NONPROFITS

Michael's addiction started out with a prescription he received for pain pills. By January 2021 he was spending $500/week on heroin and soon found himself homeless. He came to Guiding Light seeking a the means to break the cycle of addiction and live differently.


You Can't Get sober Without God: Missions Intersect for Rev. Tim Wilson

Submitted 09-21-2021 under NONPROFITS

“A man came up to me and said, ‘I can’t stop drinking; I’m drunk right now and my wife is looking at us,’” Rev. Wilson remembered. “I learned that they had spent more than $100,000 on rehab in the past. We told him about the good people of Guiding Light and he agreed to go."


Ethics and Religion Talk: Why Have I Miscarried?

Submitted 09-20-2021 under OPINION

Jeff asks for a reaction to the following story: "A young woman has been living with her boyfriend for at least a year.... She conceives. Though they weren't looking to have a child, they knew at some point they would and value the pregnancy. Sadly, she experiences a miscarriage."


Cookies, Plaster Creek and a Big Dream

Submitted 09-14-2021 under NONPROFITS

We love to share stories of how our Grand Rapids Climate Witness Project partners are creatively working for creation care in our city! This story is from Stacey DeVries of how God used her young son’s big ambitions for investing in the clean-up of Plaster Creek.


Circle Theatre Enters The Age of Aquarius With Hair

Submitted 09-13-2021 under OPINION

Circle Theatre lavishes talent and energy on Hair, resulting in strong individual performances, and a few good songs, but not a coherent story.

