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Save the Date for the Rock the Block Street Street Fair June 15th, 2013!

Submitted 05-15-2013 under LOCAL LIFE

It’s time to Rock the Block! Join LINC Community Revitalization, Inc. on Madison Avenue at Hall Street on June 15th, 2013 to celebrate community, culture and connection to opportunity! From 11am to 6pm the street will be filled with local food...

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West MI Fractivist: Jeff Smith and the 'People's EPA' indict the oil & gas industry

Submitted 05-10-2013 under LOCAL LIFE

With a welcoming smile and laid back attitude it’s difficult to imagine that a few short months ago Jeff Smith, founder of Grand Rapids Institute for Information Democracy (GRIID), was in jail for occupying the downtown office of Wolverine Oil...

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West MI Fractivist Steve Losher: "We've got every right to be here!"

Submitted 05-10-2013 under LOCAL LIFE

The past year was an exciting one for Steve Losher, president of Michigan Land Air Water Defense (MLAWD), and he has no plans of slowing down in 2013. Carpenter by trade, Losher is finally putting his “25 years of pent up environmental angst...

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Fracking comes to West Michigan

Submitted 05-10-2013 under LOCAL LIFE

Perhaps you’ve seen them: billboards that aim to educate the public about horizontal hydraulic fracturing or fracking, a relatively new process of oil and gas extraction from deep shale layers. These frack facts, 49 numbered “fracts...

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Bloom Collective to screen The Trials of Henry Kissinger

Submitted 05-06-2013 under LOCAL LIFE

Grand Rapids infoshop The Bloom Collective (8 Jefferson SE, Grand Rapids) will host a screening of the documentary "The Trials of Henry Kissinger."  The film is based on the book by Christopher Hitchens, and examines...

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Community Media Center captures community stories

Submitted 05-03-2013 under LOCAL LIFE

Thursday night, the Community Media Center (CMC) staff and board members gathered together their members to share the story of what our organization has been doing at the event "Elevating Voices" at the Wealthy Theatre. A video, highlighting the...

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GrandCon reveals free comic day giveaway plans and special guests

Submitted 05-03-2013 under LOCAL LIFE

GrandCon, Grand Rapids' first gaming and comic arts convention, is showing its support of Free Comic Book Day by offering a month-long prize giveaway to all convention registrants. They have secured many talented featured guests and also...

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New ArtPrize director explores Grand Rapids, culture, and permission to participate

Submitted 04-30-2013 under LOCAL LIFE

Christian Gaines, the new Executive Director of ArtPrize, has never lived in a mid-sized city. He grew up in large cities in Belgium and the United Kingdom, and as an adult has lived on both the east and west coasts, and even in Honolulu. Now, he...

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Grand Rapids Vintage Bicycle Club travels in style through downtown

Submitted 04-24-2013 under LOCAL LIFE

Blue skies, a river rising, and Sunday’s Museum Free 4 All provided The Grand Rapids Vintage Bicycle Club with an ArtPrize-esque atmosphere for the club’s first ride of the year: "The Tour de Bridges." The city’s seven...

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The Starving Artist innovatives culinary niche

Submitted 04-17-2013 under LOCAL LIFE

Torrence O’Haire, The Starving Artist, is a self-made private chef developing a difference in the culinary culture. As a devout traditionalist and trained sommerlier and mixologist, O’Haire is always searching for something new to try....

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