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Dog training business to open in Baxter neighborhood

Submitted 04-26-2016 under LOCAL LIFE

A Pleasant Dog, doesn’t just train dogs, they train the humans who love them too. Jenn Gavin, owner of A Pleasant Dog (City dog & People training) had been training dogs for 20 years, when she realized there were no dog trainers in...

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Racial equity, citizen empowerment focus of City's neighborhood liaison

Submitted 04-19-2016 under LOCAL LIFE

Stacy Stout was hired by the City of Grand Rapids in January, 2016 to be an Assistant to the City Manager, specifically appointed to coordinate efforts to implement the anti-violence recommendations of the SAFE Report released in March 2015 and to...

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Why Love's Labour's Lost Is the Feminist Story We Didn't Know We Needed

Submitted 04-19-2016 under LOCAL LIFE

Why Love's Labour's Lost Is the Feminist Story We Didn't Know We Needed How does the saying go? “The tragedies of Shakespeare end with bodies covering the stage and someone is suicidal because they have a poor relationship with...

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Catalyst Radio: Conserving the Great Lakes

Submitted 04-15-2016 under LOCAL LIFE

Host Jessica Young talks to Stephanie Mabie, executive director and founder of the Kent County Water Conservation, about Line 5 -- a 63-year-old oil pipeline that runs through the Great Lakes -- and the film screening of Great Lakes, Bad Lines at...

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Catalyst Radio: Modern religious storytelling and the Festival of Faith & Writing

Submitted 04-14-2016 under LOCAL LIFE

We met Lisa Ann Cockrel, director of the Festival of Faith & Writing at Calvin College. 2,000 writers and readers of any or no faith will attend the festival April 14-16 at Calvin College campus to learn and discuss ethics, liberation, world...

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Magic is the true star of Pigeon Creek Shakespeare Company's 'The Tempest'

Submitted 04-11-2016 under LOCAL LIFE

Magic pervaded as a mere twelve actors whipped the audience into a true-to-life tempest of wind and shipwrecks, laughter, absurd characters, and a general topsy-turvydom á la ‘Survivor’ meets ‘Gilligan’s Island.’ This...

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Prehistoric Michigan covered by ancient seas, tropical jungles before Mitten formed

Submitted 04-08-2016 under LOCAL LIFE

Today the City of Grand Rapids is a modern city with large buildings, suburban sprawl, and statues dedicated to males of European ancestry. Though these elements are part of our history as a city, they fail to tell the full story of the land that...

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Monthly forum aims to educate, strengthen ties in Grand Rapids' music community

Submitted 03-29-2016 under LOCAL LIFE

On Monday, March 28, 2016 on the Northwest side, a small, eager group of members of the local music community crowded into a recording space in Grand River Studios. They were gathered to hear the latest in a series of conversations about Grand...

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Grand Army organizing for another season supporting soccer in Grand Rapids

Submitted 03-21-2016 under LOCAL LIFE

“One City! One Club!” Drums pound, horns blare, banners wave and marchers sing-along in unison as they march. “GR – FC – Grand Rapids Football Club!” It’s not mardi gras. It’s the sound of the Grand...

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Catalyst Radio: racial equity in Grand Rapids

Submitted 03-21-2016 under LOCAL LIFE

Don't have time to listen now? Download the mp3 and listen at your leisure. INTERVIEW In this episode of Catalyst Radio, we talk with Kyle Lim, project coordinator for Grand Rapids Urban League, on issues around racial equity in Grand...

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