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ArtPrize Artist Profile: Irena Czumaj

Submitted 09-27-2010 under LOCAL LIFE

“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America…” rings through classrooms across the country on the first bell of each school day. Most youngsters recite these words without a thought, eyes glazed over, waiting for the day's lesson...

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The Seeds of Labor: an ArtPrize Artist Profile of Gene Sowles

Submitted 09-27-2010 under LOCAL LIFE

  Two years ago in a brief but tumultuous visit, hurricane Ike came to southern Ohio. On one day in particular hurricane force winds wreaked a terrible vengeance upon a large tree in Gene Sowles yard. Unbeknownst to the storm or Gene this act...

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Sotir Davidhi: An ArtPrize Artist Profile

Submitted 09-26-2010 under LOCAL LIFE

by Becky Spaulding, Daniel Heeren, and RuthMarie Sarros A soft breeze brushes through the grass beside the Grand River, over which a ripple travels gently toward the shore. Rich autumn colors of orange, red, green, brown, and gold sprinkle over...

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Thomas Verstraete: An ArtPrize Craftsman Profile

Submitted 09-26-2010 under LOCAL LIFE

                 “I don’t consider myself an artist,” said ArtPrize participant Thomas Verstraete, “I’m a craftsman.” To Verstraete, there is a distinction, between an art...

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ArtPrize Artist Profile: In a Sea of Color

Submitted 09-25-2010 under LOCAL LIFE

It’s mid September and the summer sun readies a last repose for the season. Hanging high, it sheds a lingering warmth on the red bricks of an old factory along Market Avenue. A large white sign adorns the entrance of this aging edifice and proclaims...

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ArtPrize Artist Profile: Gabriel Garcia-Fraire

Submitted 09-25-2010 under LOCAL LIFE

  “Community” finds a fitting home above a sandy shuffleboard at Pub 43 during Grand Rapid’s second annual ArtPrize competition. Twenty-three year old Chicagoan artist Gabriel Garcia-Fraire has been working the day away, installing his entry in...

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ArtPrize 2010: When Pigs Fly

Submitted 09-24-2010 under LOCAL LIFE

Members of the Alliance for Community Media gathered footage of ArtPrize 2010.  One ACM member talks about his impression of the flying pig.

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ArtPrize 2010: Open Your Eyes

Submitted 09-24-2010 under LOCAL LIFE

Members of the Alliance for Community Media gathered footage of ArtPrize 2010.  Jason Mack talks about his work and inspiration.

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ArtPrize 2010: Montage

Submitted 09-24-2010 under LOCAL LIFE

Members of the Alliance for Community Media gathered footage of ArtPrize 2010.  Here's are a few of the many pieces you can find downtown.

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ArtPrize 2010: Live Statue

Submitted 09-24-2010 under LOCAL LIFE

Members of the Alliance for Community Media gathered footage of ArtPrize 2010.  Here are some kids reactions to the Live Statue downtown.

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