women of color

Calling all Mamavists!

by (MaverickLaw)

Submitted 09-28-2018 under OPINION

I initially learned of Mothering Justice by way of an introduction facilitated by Civicize Me’s Shannon Garrett and became involved as a Movement Fellow. I see the Movement Fellowship as an opportunity to increase my personal network of women...

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'Championing female leaders of color in West Michigan'

by (Elizabeth Roger...)

Submitted 03-17-2017 under NEWS

Shannon Cohen and Patricia Sosa VerDuin began having conversations about the representation of women of color in leadership in the news while they got to know each other as W.K. Kellogg Foundation Community Leadership Network Fellows. Cohen is the...

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Amazing Women of Color to lead OKT events

by (OKT)

Submitted 05-02-2016 under NONPROFITS

As part of its Women of Color strategy, Our Kitchen Table is bringing some amazing women to Grand Rapids to educate and inspire.  May 12: Detroit food justice and media activist, Lottie V. Spady will facilitate OKT's Women of Color Cook,...

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Our Kitchen Table works to empower and support Southeast residents

by (Yeldellc)

Submitted 07-31-2015 under LOCAL LIFE

Focusing on the Southeast area of Grand Rapids, the organization Our Kitchen Table (OKT) is actively empowering community members to reexamine their food system and giving them the tools to improve their health and environment. Lisa Oliver King,...

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