tai chi

Tai Chi in the Park

by (grpl)

Submitted 06-13-2016 under

Tai Chi is an ancient, continuous, slow form of exercise. It is a moving meditation which builds strength, vitality and balance, and has many other benefits. Students of all ages will learn warm-up and eternal-youth exercises, push-hands, and forms...

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Tai Chi in the Park

by (grpl)

Submitted 06-03-2016 under

Tai Chi is an ancient, continuous, slow form of exercise. It is a moving meditation which builds strength, vitality and balance, and has many other benefits. Students of all ages will learn warm-up and eternal-youth exercises, push-hands, and forms...

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Local dojo works to increase community wellness with Kickstarter

by (Elizabeth Roger...)

Submitted 05-19-2015 under INNOVATION-SPOTLIGHT

Daniel Muschiana, owner/partner of local martial arts studio Shen & Kyoseikan Dojo, continues to seek ways to integrate the healing arts into his local neighborhood. Shen Dojo was previously located in the Heartside Neighborhood on...

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Shen Dojo promotes healing, neighborhood connection, self-empowerment

by (mariah_kat)

Submitted 07-30-2013 under INNOVATION-SPOTLIGHT

With training in the disciplines of Kosho-Ryu Kenpo Jujitsu and Yang Tai Chi Style, Daniel Muschiana wants to offer healing to the Heartside Neighborhood, working to establish strong roots. His martial arts studio, Shen Dojo, is located at...

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