At Camp Blodgett, the world is a classroom
by (Heart of West M...)
Submitted 03-14-2019 under NONPROFITS
How do you instill a love of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) into middle schoolers, especially those who come from difficult backgrounds and under-resourced schools in and around Grand Rapids? Camp Blodgett’s answer: Take them...Junior Achievement is helping to change the problem of women in STEM
by (juniorachievementmgl)
Submitted 01-24-2019 under NONPROFITS
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) readiness research shows that nearly 1/4 of all job in the United States require a high level of STEM knowledge. Growth in these positions is set to considerably outpace non-STEM jobs in the future....Junior Achievement Girls' Dream Fair looks to inspire hundreds of middle schoolers
by (juniorachievementmgl)
Submitted 01-30-2018 under NONPROFITS
We have a growing nationwide STEM gender gap. Consider the following There has been a steep decline in the number of female graduates with computer science degrees over the past three decades. National surveys find that nearly two-thirds of...Early Childhood Essentials Class: Using STEM in Your Classroom
by (grpl)
Submitted 12-16-2014 under
Come get some ideas on how to use STEM in your classroom. Mary Hartfield from the Girl Scouts will share ways to incorporate Science, Technology, Engineering and Math activities.