Wealthy Theatre Remembers Gordon Varneau

by (diaghilev)

Submitted 01-16-2010 under OPINION

This week we say goodbye to a man whose history is, in many ways, the history of Wealthy Theatre.  Gordon 'Gordy' Varneau died peacefully in Las Vegas, Nevada, on Tuesday. It is with indebtedness that we remember the man whose name patrons see...

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East Hills Council of Neighbors' efforts lead to a better Grand Rapids

by (Michael Tuffelmire)

Submitted 01-14-2010 under LOCAL LIFE

During the 1960s, the automobile provided the luxury of unrestricted travel. This led to people leaving the cities for what they perceived to be a better life in the suburbs. The abandonment of the city ushered in a plethora of absentee...

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