San Francisco

Story Matters: Michele Day and Amanda Lowey compare Grand Rapids to San Francisco

by (The Rapidian)

Submitted 09-26-2013 under NONPROFITS

We build community when we share our stories - whether they be a memory, an experience or just simply telling what we think is great about this place. While at various ArtPrize venues throughout the event, The Rapidian's Story Matters...

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Make Magazine editor convenes brief town hall meeting among makers

by (dennetmint)

Submitted 04-26-2011 under NEWS

Placed symbolically on each table in the GRid70 cafe (70 Ionia SW) was a board game—Jenga, Mancala, Cribbage, Scrabble—around which 25 people gathered to hear Dale Dougherty share the history of Make Magazine and the eminent Maker Faire...

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