outside the lines

Dreamers Become Artists at Outside The Lines

by (otlgr)

Submitted 01-28-2011 under NONPROFITS

Tomorrow (Saturday, January 29th) brings the first annual "Outside the Lines" event to the Sazerac Lounge in Grand Rapids. Local "non-artists" are putting the last finishes on their entries, which will be voted on between 6PM-9PM at the event (...

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Catalyst Radio: Outside the Lines challenges nonartists to put their art supplies where their mouth is

by (Catalyst Radio)

Submitted 01-21-2011 under NONPROFITS

Outside the Lines is putting on its inaugural auction - a competition for nonartists - one week from now, and event coordinator Kendra Herington clues WYCE listeners in to what there is to look forward to. Listen in as Kendra explains how this...

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