GROW: Intro to GROW
by (Sherri Sharp)
Submitted 03-31-2015 under
Thinking of starting your own business? Attend this introductory class and learn more about GROW and what it can offer you and your start-up business. We'll discuss programs, services and briefly discuss our microloan program (but we'...GROW: Intro to GROW
by (Sherri Sharp)
Submitted 03-31-2015 under
Thinking of starting your own business? Attend this introductory class and learn more about GROW and what it can offer you and your start-up or existing business. We'll discuss programs, services and briefly discuss our microloan program...GROW Microloan Program driving small business growth with $600,000 to lend
by (growgrandrapids)
Submitted 09-10-2013 under NONPROFITS
Grand Rapids Opportunities for Women (GROW), a Small Business Administration (SBA) Women’s Business Center, has received $600,000 through the SBA to lend to West Michigan businesses. GROW is currently accepting applications for potential...