local breweries

What's On Tap: October 3-9

by (Marie Orttenburger)

Submitted 10-03-2013 under LOCAL LIFE

Brewery Vivant Farmhand, rustic farmhouse style ale Triomphe, Belgian IPA Big Red Coq, Belgian Red ale with Citra hops Sgt. Peppercorn, Belgian Rye dry spiced with green peppercorns BlackHand, Black session ale Perdition, Black Belgian Style...

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New specialty internships to explore local breweries, farmers, creative class

by (Renato)

Submitted 04-08-2013 under NONPROFITS

Imagine spending your summer keeping tabs on our local breweries and sitting down each week to learn a brewer's story. And then sharing it with your community. Or imagine visiting with our local farmers. Or nonprofits. Or the wide variety of...

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Local beer expert Ben Darcie celebrates Michigan beer community

by (Brittany Beezhold)

Submitted 03-11-2013 under LOCAL LIFE

“Grand Rapids –it’s the hub of the entire state’s beer. It's like you don’t come here for Grand Rapids beer, you come here for Michigan beer as a whole,” says Ben Darcie, brewer, Revue Beer Editor, JY...

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GR Beer Week begins Monday

by (Brittany Beezhold)

Submitted 02-18-2013 under LOCAL LIFE

Down cobblestoned streets and along crowded city blocks, breweries across Grand Rapids are opening their doors for Beer Week 2013. This week includes a multitude of special events including tap takeovers and beer dinners. Awarded the title of...

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Founders Brewing Company champions the bolder beverage

by (eschroeder)

Submitted 04-27-2012 under INNOVATION-SPOTLIGHT

Every year hundreds of businesses open up all over Grand Rapids. Making sure a business doesn’t merely survive but also thrives is a difficult and complicated process- requiring constant innovation and research. Where better to garner some...

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